Chapter Four

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The next day, I was invited to the Joestar manner as usual, but this time, it seems Dio was the one that invited me. My parents allowed me to go alone this time, but of course with a servant with me.

"M'Lady," My butler, Xie Lian said bowing his head in greetings once he had opened the door to my carriage. "We have arrived, careful now," he said as he assisted me out of the carriage and walked with me to the manor. I had a letter ready for when Jonathan and I will be going out to hang out with Erina.

Xie Lian rang the doorbell as the butler of the manor answers the door and bows a greeting to us, Xie Lian did the same before we entered the manor.

Dio sat on a chair, reading a book in front of a mask decor on the wall

"Young master Dio, Miss Y/n is here." His butler said.

I was about to step a bit closer but Xie Lian held his arm. I've known him long enough, he had been my father's personal servant before he swore loyalty to me. "A-Lian?" I asked quietly.

"...." He said nothing for a moment before stepping aside and letting his arm fall back to his side once Dio turned his attention to us.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it," he said with a smile. He looked over to Xie Lian and his smile wavers. "Who's this?"

"Dio, this is my butler, Xie Lian," I replied, introducing him to Dio.

Xie Lian only stared and bowed his head, uttering not a single word since we entered the manor.

"I see, a pleasure to meet you, I am Dio Brando." Dio introduced himself after I did. In response, Xie Lian closed his eyes and walked me to the seat opposite from Dio.

"Do pardon him Dio, A-Lian isn't too fond of random strangers he meets for the first time," I explained to Dio and looked at the table before us. "Are we playing Chess?" I asked.

"Checkers actually," he replied before looking at Xie Lian as though they had a stare down before looking back to me with a smile. "I hope you don't mind playing checkers at all," he added

"Oh no no, not at all, If anything, I do better in checkers anyways," I replied as we talked with each other if the rules and added a few of our own rules for the game.

Afterwards we began playing and hitting up conversations left and right.

"Are you looking for anything in a man?" Dio asked as he made a move with his piece over mine.

"Me? Not at all," I replied as I moved another piece in my turn. "I just want a man who knows responsibility, knows his role, and is willing to honor the family code."

Dio looked at me for a moment after he made his move.

"But- that is what my mother wants me to say, when truly, I want someone who understands me for being... Me," I added in with a sigh as I took down the rest of his checker pieces in one go. "I win." I hummed as Dio averts his eyes away from and then to the board.

"My... You're quite brilliant in this game." He said in astonishment and smiled at me and leaning his chin on his hand, his elbow resting on the table. "I like that in a woman."

"You forget yourself, Dio, do not flatter me," I replied and shook my head with a playful smile tugging on my lips. "After all, you and I do not spend a lot of times."

"Then how about I change that?" He asked reaching his hand over to me to touch my cheek.

From the corner of my eye, Xie Lian's arm shot pass me as he gripped his wrist firmly. "A man must not touch a woman so freely." He said, "refrain yourself from touching Lady Y/n." He warned tightening his grip on Dio's wrist.

Dio clicked his tongue and glared at Xie Lian before recoiling his hand back.

My butler only closed his eyes and steps back a bit to my side...

I see why father assigned him to be my personal butler... He seemed strong..

Before either of us could speak, we heard yelling coming from the main entrance. As my attention went to the yelling, the door burst open which startled me and causing Xie Lian to instinctively be in front of me to protect.

"DDDIIIIIIOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Jonathan yelled Dio's name in anger.

I was once again startled with Dio stomped his foot downs and rose up from his seat. "HUSH BOY!! YOU WONT SPEAK MY NAME IN VAIN AGAIN!"

At this point, I don't know what's happening, but still it worries me... I've never seen Jonathan this mad since his friends left him for Dio...

"I WONT LET YOU HAVE THINGS YOUR WAY ANYMORE!! I WONT LET ANOTHER MAIDEN'S HONOR BE TAINTED BY YOUR FOUL ACTIONS!!" Jonathan yelled, running towards Dio, fist ready, and angry as a bull with horns can be.

Upset about Erina? The favors that I shared with her?" Dio taunted as the two boys fought fist to fist against each other, completely forgetting I was there... Erina? Something happen to Erina?

"What happened to Erina.." I mumbled to myself as Xie Lian picked me up and took a jump back to avoid getting caught up with the fight between the two brothers.

"Lady Y/n... I believe it is time for us to take our leave... This is not our affair.." Xie Lian said.

"No, A-Lian, I want to know what happened to Erina, Dio, what did you do to Erina? Why is Jojo so upset?" I asked trying to go to them to break the fight between them.

"Lady Y/n don't-!" Xie Lian called as he reached out to me but I already tried getting in between them only to be knocked back by one of them and onto the wall, having the face mask decor fall off and on the ground infront of me as I placed my hand on the side of my head a bit, feeling a warm liquid trickling from the side.

The boys immediately stopped, both of them had a grip on their collars. "Y/n!" Jonathan called and was the first to let go of Dio to rush to my aid, but was stopped by Xie Lian, who pointed an iron spear to Jonathan's neck. "A-Lian!" I exclaimed.

"Permission to behead them both," he replied to me as I shook my head no. He hesitated for a moment, but his stare was deadly and dangerous... He finally puts the spear back to it's rightful place. "As you wish.... Lady Y/n..." He said.

The timing was quite impeccable as Mr. Joestar appeared at the top of the stairs. "What is the meaning of this!? How dare you threaten my son's with such a weapon!" He exclaimed.

Xie Lian turned his attention to Mr. Joestar and bowed his head. "Forgive me, but it is my duty to protect the young mistress, your sons, have quite an injury to the mistress,"

"Injury..?" Mr. Joestar then looked at me and noticed my bloody head as I tried to cover it with my hand, it must look bad and pretty obvious.

"Jonathan! Dio! Explain yourselves this instance! You two are young men! How could you involve your brute fight with a maiden, and Y/n no less!" Mr. Joestar's voice boomed loudly in the large manor.

"Father-" Jonathan began.

"No excuses! To your rooms! Both of you!" Mr. Joestar said, "You will both be punished of such, maids, take Lady Y/n to a different room and help her clean her injury."

I looked at Dio and Jonathan who were both glaring at each other. I looked down and picked up the face mask that fell off the wall and examined it close as Xie Lian talked with the maids.

By this time, Dio and Jonathan were guided back to their rooms. I looked at the mask... Though, I dropped it the moment some curled sharp points came out of it.

"Lady Y/n, please stop trying to get yourself hurt... Come along now, the maids have prepared the aid kit for the cleaning of your wound" Xie Lian said as he took my hand and lead me down the corridor to the servant's chambers.

The Mask laid on the floor, it's thorns had disappeared, leaving the mask back to it's normal form.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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