proffessional cockblock(A/D)

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The first few times it happened, they saw it more as accidents than problem. They were busy sorting themselves, turning red and apologizing under their breaths. The younger man seemed to appear in the worst times, whenever they were wraped around each other intimately .

Sure they gave him the keys to their flat for urgent times, but they were considering taking it back at this rate. He was using it to enter at any moment, any hour.
The random kissing and snuggles weren't that embaressing, it was the interruption of real heated sessions that was irritating them.
It was like he was playing the game of catching them in as many places as he could, and man was he winning the game.

Bgt dressing room

"Boys we're filming now, would you-" Stephen froze as he was faced with his two friends kissing as if the world was ending and they were saying goodbyes. He made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes, "Even at work?"

Dec came up for air and glare, "Get out"
His tone flat due to the interruption of his fun.

"The door was unlocked, so unproffessional" the younger presenter made a face and gave them a weak glare back, slightly getting uncomfortable as he saw they weren't moving from each others arms and laps.

"We're filming" he continued, trying to coax them outside.

Ant was staring angrily at his friend who once again bothered them at the wrong time.

Stephen let out a frustrated sigh and headed out" You better get your asses out soon"

Ant flipped him off and sat up straight, "Didn't you lock the door?" He asked half pouting, half annoyed.

Dec shrugged frowning, "probably forgot"

Bedroom, home

Dec rolled on top of Ant and continued kissing, there was a sudden noise of the door's handle turning and a head appeared from behind it.

"You really don't know how to knock, huh?" Dec turned his head toward Stephen, half seated on Ant's chest and midsection, legs bent on both side of the younger geordie on the bed.

Sephen shrugged, "I did knock, 'tis not my fault you were too distracted you didn't hear it. Now, can I borrow the big fan?" He pointed to the fan in the corner of the room.

There was a heavy silence and Ant's intense glare made the younger man scratch the back of his head sheepishly. "What?" He asked lightly trying not make them angrier.

Ant grabbed Dec's elbow to stop him from changing his position and looked at Stephen, "Grab whatever you want and get out" he almost yelled the last bit, which made Dec huff a laugh at his misreble boyfriend.

Stephen didn't take the threat in his voice seriously, he pointed to the space between them smirking "Your flies are open" he said moving to grab the fan.

Dec held himself from swearing but turned to Ant, "Remind  me again why we can't stab him?" He asked angrily.

Before the bottom man could answer, Stephen picked up the fan and waved at them as he was leaving the room " 'Cause you're afraid of blood"

SNT, Dressing room

Stephen entered the room without looking up from his phone,  "Guys did you check the-" his eyes caught up on his friends tangling forms and he stopped in shock, " oh my g- what the fuck, you can't wait until you go home? Get your fucking tongue out of his mouth Declan, I'm still in the room."  He hissed angrily phone still frozen in front of him in his hand.

Ant turned to look at him and clicked his toungue,"So? It's not like you haven't seen it before" he tried to rearrange his trousers.

Stephen's eye twiched, "Have I ever said I enjoyed it?"

"Your problem, what do you want?" Dec asked bored, hint of whine in his voice.

Stephen looked at their sweaty faces and half lidded eyes, wide eyed, "I can't even remember why I came- holly shit!" His eyes landed on their not very small problems. He covered his eyes and fled the room.

Ant smiled smugly, "We scarred him"


Australia, IAC hotel room

Ant almost broke the phone when he pressed the answer botton. The name that appeared on Dec's phone annoyed him more than the fact that he was once again interrupted during his most private moment with Dec.

"You can't leave us alone even here?" He said without greeting the other man on the line. It was starting to get out of control, it wasn't normal that Stephen sensed their sex times like this.

The confused voice on the other end of the line hesitated "Ant? Uh...hi" he said cautiously.

The younger man's unusual calm voice made him curious, "What's wrong?"  Ant asked trying to sound softer.

"Can you send me the management number? Me phone's broken"

"How am I supposed to send it then?"

" it for me please. Sorry I only remembered your numbers. I didn't call you because I thought Dec might get less mad, You... were at it again?" The younger man asked hesitantly.

"Shut up" Ant mumbled automatically and searched through his contacts trying to find the number.

"You're silent" the geordie asked amused by the other man's calmness, still scrolling down.

"Long day" the other man replied.
Ant read the number for him twice and  reassured the abnormally quiet man that the call didn't bother them that much.  "Anything else?"

"No thanks, bye" the call was ended right after and Ant rose an eyebrow to the phone.

Dec looked up at his boyfriend "Mullers?"

"Yeah, he apparently broke his phone, wanted a number." He laid back down burrying his face in the smaller mans neck and continued nibbling.

Stephen's house

There were footsteps nearing the room and a very moody voice following them, "I swear to god if I find you two in my -" Stephen opened the door with force and nearly screamed, "that's my bedroom, MY BEDROOM, why am I friends with you??" He yelled throwing his hands up glaring at his half naked friends on his bed.

Ant smiled drunkenly and waved at him. "Oh Stevie, we weren't going to do anything" he rose on his elbows giving the raging younger man an innocent smile.

Stephen's eyebrows were glued to his hairline "Yeah that's why those are open" he pointed to their open bottons, hands shaking with anger.

Dec chose that moment to giggle. He looked down at his bare chest and opened the shirt more," I like to show off my chest" he reasoned drunkenly proud of himself.

"Get out before I punch you" the younger man tried to glare at them.

Ant shook his head, grabbed Dec's hand and stumbled off of the bed, "So angry, take an aspirin" he mumbled glancing toward Stephen.

while passing Stephen, Dec hugged his waist for a moment, "Happy birthday cockblock" and patted his face, before following Ant out of the room still smiling brightly.

Stephen sighed and rubbed his temple.
This needs to stop, he thought.

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