Week 4 Part 3 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Comenzar desde el principio

     "Now, on top of the pyramid is the featured role in a group for the very first time: Lilly," Ms. Abby exclaims, revealing my headshot.

     I smile big. Two weeks in a row! Applause is heard throughout the room. Mom rubs my arms up and down excitedly, making my energy level heightened.

     But I think I may have gotten first only because Brady had his solo unaired. They only didn't air his solo so that Ms. Abby wouldn't seem like she has some favoritism towards me. She totally does have some favoritism.

     "'Thoughts and Prayers,' it opened a door for your future here at the ALDC. But you need to strut through that door and slam it behind you. Understood?" Ms. Abby asks me.

     I nod. I'm at the top of the pyramid because we had the highest scoring group dance of the day. And because I was the leader of the group routine. But I don't focus on that. She tells me that the group dance opened a door for my future at the ALDC. Does that mean she's at least considering me for a permanent spot on the elite competition team? My victory is short-lived as Ms. Abby begins to work on the travel information.

    "All right, this week we're traveling back to Ohio. We're gonna attend Xpressions Dance Competition. This week, we're going to do a routine entitled, 'The Healer.' Each of you are going to have... ailments that need to be healed. So, Brady, you're gonna be my healer," Ms. Abby announces.

     I don't understand Ms. Abby's motives. I mean, last week I feel like I set a great example for everyone, and just because I'm the smallest one, and I may be the youngest one, and I'm not a boy, that I can still lead the team to victory. And, I'm really happy that I'm on top of the pyramid. I proved my voices wrong twice in a row. But Brady is the lead of the group dance.

     It's happening again. It's not really that fair. You didn't prove anything to Ms. Abby, Lilliana. You don't mean anything to Ms. Abby. You have no future at the ALDC, Lilliana. You just weren't good enough. And you never will be.

     "All right, now, there will be two duets performing this weekend, so, when I call your name, step forward," Ms. Abby directs. I'm confused, for she has never done this before.

    "Pressley, step forward," Ms. Abby declares, and we clap even though we don't exactly know why.

    "Lilly, step forward," Ms. Abby states, everybody, clapping again as I tentatively take a step forward.

     "Savannah, you will also step forward," Ms. Abby says as well.

     "So, you three each have duets this week. And you will be picking your duet partner," Ms. Abby exclaims, smiling big.

     I either want Brady or Hannah. But I need to be perfect. I should play it safe and go with the girl so that Brady won't overpower me. I hope Pressley or Savannah doesn't choose Hannah.

     "I've been saying for weeks that nobody on this team is safe, and I don't think you believe me," Ms. Abby snarkily comments.

     Oh, Ms. Abby, I sure do believe you. I'm probably the one that's going home. I'm too much of a perfectionist that I make mistakes. I'm not fit for this team. I've cracked two weeks in a row. I'm not strong enough mentally, I guess.

     "So I've decided that the only way to light a fire under your lazy butts is to say goodbye to one member of this team. In the next few weeks, one dancer will be saying goodbye to the ALDC," Ms. Abby declares.

     So I have two to three weeks to prove to Ms. Abby that I deserve to be on this team. I need to earn her trust that I'm good enough. I hope I don't go. You deserve to go. You shouldn't be here with your fat feet and big stomach.

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