Chapter 4: Surprise Gift and Talk

Start from the beginning

"Well I am about to tell you a big secret that cannot leave this room. You have to swear that you will not tell a soul, not my dad, not my mom, no one at scouts or school, not even Luke. Promise?" Mike nodded his headed in assurance. "That is not good enough for this Mikey. I need real assurance." Mike then told him he swore on his mother's grave that he would not tell a soul. Liam smiled and continued, "Ok. Well first off and foremost, you know that Luke wets the bed and sometimes has accidents in the day right?" Mike nodded his head yes "I too am a bedwetter and have to wear protection. I doubt you knew that one though did you?"

"No I didn't but I kinda suspected it. I noticed some bigger diapers in the trash when I threw away my Goodnites before. I figured they were your's or your dad's but doubt they belonged to him." Mike replied. Liam smiled at his response.

"You are quite the little investigator. Maybe my dad should hire you on as a detective." Liam said jokingly, getting a laugh from Mike. "Well yes they were most likely mine. However the one thing you do not know is that Caleb likes to wear them and is a diaper lover." Mike started to laugh which got a worried and inquisitive look from Liam.

"I have been one for years. After having to wear them every night you begin to enjoy them, especially when wet and have a little lotion on your dick." Mike replied. Liam let out a sigh of relief and laughed before continuing,

"Well that avoids a lot of awkward explanations then." Liam smiled. "Anyways, these are some of his old ones from a couple years ago before he hit a growth spurt. I kept them as stuffers as I am a diaper lover too." Mike smiled and liked where this was going. "So these should fit you pretty well as they fit Caleb when he was your size. If they fit you we can start ordering these as I have noticed that the Goodnites are leaking from time to time as often as I see you wash your sheets, do not worry there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Where do you get them? I love the babyish design on them." Mike asked looking at and feeling the softness of the diaper.

"We ordered them online, they have an actual store I would love to go to sometime but it is up in Chicago. Store is called Tykables. Very absorbent and great quality." Liam explained. "I was kinda of hoping to wait and give them to Luke when he grows out of his pampers but his small bladder and size doesn't warrant that yet. Though I doubt he would wants to keep the babyish design, unless you know something I don't?" Mike smiled and told him not to tell Luke or anyone that he told him, but Luke is also a diaper lover just like them.

"That is kinda funny, two brother the only children of two loving parents and we are both gay diaper lovers..." Liam stated. Mike laughed and agreed.

"So is this why you never let Luke and me come into your room? You guys wanted to be diapered in peace and maybe fool around a little?" Mike asked Liam.

"Sort of. I never wanted Luke to find out I was gay and liked diapers and Caleb did not want it even more. Especially the diapers part. I could get away with it because I actually wet the bed, but Caleb had no excuse." Liam explained. "I guess now you know everything."

"Well not everything. I still do not know how far you have gone with Caleb and why Mr. Debber has a different last name than your dad when they are brothers." Mike responded.

"Answer to the first is none of your business, you are too young. Answer to the second is Uncle Josh and my dad have different fathers. Uncle Josh is older and his dad died when he was very young. My Grandma remarried 4 years later and shortly after my dad was born. Uncle Josh actually called my Grandpa dad up until the day he died, knowing it was his step-dad all along." Liam explained.

"That is sweet about your Uncle Josh and Grandpa. Also, I might be 11 but I already been through way more in my life than most adults ever do. I know more about sex than you do probably. That is why I ate out your brother the night before I found out my dad killed my mom." Mike stated. Liam had an astonished look on his face.

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