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Danielle's POV
"Danielle,I am sick and tired of you always choosing dance over our relationship" Liam scolded me like I was his child. "Dan, I'm sorry but I think we should break up". I gasped when he said "break up". I thought maybe it was for the good,cause Tyra Banks' uncle is my manager so I am always traveling to New York,Los Angeles,and back to the UK to dance on the X-Factor. "Liam I am sick and tired of you ALWAYS choosing One Direction over your girlfriend who cooks,cleans, and cares for you!" I scolded back, regretting what I said. " If that is what you think then I am leaving." LIAM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I managed to say before he angrily slammed the door in my face before I started bawling like crazy!

Then,after 1 hour of bawling I called Eleanor and Perrie to tell them the heartbreaking news. Then after 5 minutes from calling Perrie and Eleanor, I heard two weak knocking that sounded familiar. I struggled getting up from the sofa to open the door and what a surprise it was El and Perr with my favorite chips, drink from Starbucks and a teddy bear. I hugged my best friends and cried.

Liam's POV
I was so stupid of myself to dump Danielle like that. After I angrily walked out of OUR house as I heard Danielle shout "I LOVE YOU LIAM!" I ran to my car and went to a hotel 39 minutes away from Danielle's house.After I got my key,i cried until I couldn't breath. I quickly gasped then called Zayn. He'll know what to do since he is my best friend.

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