A few days ago, it was dinner at that time and we were talking and eating, though, Mr. Joestar seemed to be on his last straw with Jonathan and his poorly eating manners, he had ordered the servants to cut his dinner off early than normal. I felt sorry for him but I guess... It's what the rich had to deal with.

"Hmph... What a fool.." Dio commented as he drank his drink with a smug smirk.

"Oh hush, give him a break," I said before looking over to our parents talking and Mr. Joestar apologizing for his son's behavior. Dio scoffed at my reply as he continues eating to finish his meal.

The day following that, Jonathan dragged me to a boxing match he always goes to to fight... Though he was surprised when he saw Dio...

On top of that, he lost heavily against Dio. He didn't look at me as I can tell he felt ashamed to have me witness his defeat against his adopted brother.

That day, it was clear to me Dio was trying to impress me with his elegance and etiquettes. Compared to Jonathan, he thinks he's better....

I was not impress. I can see right through his smoke and mirrors and what he was doing.

Days after, he started losing friends left and right, rumored lies spreading around like a plague. Even so, I remained to his side.

"Jojo, don't let them get to you, alright?" I said to him as we sat by a tree near a river bank. "Rumors are nonsense, they will die out soon." I assured him with a smile.

"I know... But I feel as though Dio is taking everything from me... Putting me behind his shadow and all.." Jonathan replied with a scowl. "Dio this, Dio that..! It's all I hear everytime!" He practically yelled to the sky.

I sighed deeply as silence lingered between us.

"..but... I'm glad you hadn't left me.." Jonathan said as I looked down at him as he was laying on the grass now.

"Of course, you're a true gentleman and a good friend," I replied, "I could never leave someone like you with a good heart." I added with a smile.

I perked up when I heard footsteps just up the hill and noticed a girl with pretty blonde hair watching us.

"Huh?" Jonathan must've noticed her too as he sat up.

The girl left a basket on the branch before leaving in a hurry.

"Who was that just now?" I asked as I stood up and walked up the hill to the basket she left behind.

"Not sure... But she seemed familiar." He replied following behind and getting the basket off the branch before perking up in surprise when he saw his handkerchief inside. "This is... Oh! I remember her now! She's the girl I saved from a bunch of bullies back then!"

"Is that right?" I replied as he nods his head happily as he watched the girl leave.

"Thank you for the grapes!" He called out as he sat back down under the tree handing me some of the grapes. "I won't be able to finish this, come on! Let's eat it while they're still fresh!"

I watched the girl leave and soon disappearing from the distance. "She's very pretty..." I mumbled before touching my own cheeks

"Are you saying you are not?? You are very beautiful!" Jonathan said with a mouthful of grapes.

"Hmph, you only say that to make me feel better," I replied with a huff, crossing my arms and turning my head away.

"Why do you have to be like that, I speak the truth," he replied, scratching his head.

"That's what they all say!" I replied.

Skipping to the present, Jonathan and I grew to know who the girl was further, Erina Pendleton.

She and I grew close as friends instantly, even treat each other as though we were siblings. We'd hang out loads and sometimes, together with Jonathan to go to theme parks, circuses, swimming in the pond and more.

Though as days continue to go by, so does my feelings for Jonathan. I honestly thought he was just a young boy wanting to be a gentleman and thought of him as any other boys... But he was different. Truly different. However on that day, Erina had pulled me to the side during one of our hangouts.

"How do you ask a boy out?" She asked once we were alone and away from Jonathan.

"Why ask me?" I blinked as I watched Erina fiddled with her fingers nervously.

"Well... You seemed to be quite a knowledgeable person, so.... You see... I can only share this with you since you're the only one I can trust..." She began to mumble to herself as her cheeks were flushed red. "...I-I really like Jojo... And I want to confess to him... Can you help me?"

I stopped for a moment. I see...

Three fundamental truths at the exact same time..

"...I guess I can help you," I replied with an eye smile. Erina smiled back and clasped her hands together onto mine happily.

"Y/n! Thank you so much!" She said with joy before rushing back to where Jonathan is, tugging my along with her.

"Of course! What are friends for..." I replied and looked down to the ground to avoid eye contact... Perhaps this was a right choice.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now