Definitely a date pt.3

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"Ibuki thinks there might've been stand that sold bags near where we parked! Lets go check there!" Ibuki suggested, Mikan nodded and took some stuffed animals from Ibuki.

"I c-can carry some o-of these for y-you." Mikan smiled, Ibuki returned and flirted, "My hero!" Mikan giggled at this, which made Ibuki's heart skip a beat.

The two girls walked to the stand Ibuki mentioned, buying a hemp bag to put the plushies in, Ibuki shivered after touching the bag.

"Wh-what's wrong Ibuki?" Mikan asked, worried she might be getting a cold. Ibuki shook her head, "It's nothing to worry about, Miki! Just something about this hemp bag felt weird, oh well!" Ibuki shrugged and looked at Mikan.

"So what do you want to do now, Miki!" Ibuki smiled, waiting patiently for an answer. "'s getting l-late, maybe w-we should head back t-to my apartment?" Ibuki nodded, "Hell yea! I get to crash at Mikans place again! Groovy!"

Mikan nodded, "I-I have to t-text Nagito that I'll b-be catching a ride w-with you." Ibuki nodded, "Alright! Ibuki'll figure out where to put this!" She said as she lifted the hemp bag with the plushies in it.

Ibuki turned and made her way to her motorcycle, Mikan following after her and texting Nagito.

Mikan🚑❤️‍🩹: I'll be catching a ride back with Ibuki! You don't have to worry, I'm safe!

Nagito🍀🔥: oh you're growing up so fast! Its so hopeful to see you this happy! Stay safe you two :)

Mikan rolled her eyes but smiled at her best friends worries, Ibuki looked back at Mikan, "Alright! We're ready for blast off!" Ibuki gave her a thumbs up, Mikan nodded and put her phone away.

Ibuki hopped on the bike, Mikan getting on and wrapping her arms around Ibuki's waist. Ibuki began driving, being just as careful as before. Mikan rested her head on Ibuki's back, smiling softly as a feeling of safeness washed over her.

They made it the parking garage by Mikans apartment, both girls getting off after Ibuki parked her motorcycle. Ibuki grabbed the hemp bag and smiled at Mikan, "All plushies accounted for!"

Mikan giggled and nodded, holding out her hand which Ibuki happily took. Hand in hand, the two walked back to Mikans room, letting go when Mikan had to unlock the door.

Ibuki entered and Mikan followed after, locking the door and hanging up her purse and keys. Ibuki placed the bag on the kitchen counter, stretching.

Mikan took off her shoes and looked at Ibuki, "You can t-take your shoes o-off if you w-want to, m-make yourself at h-home." Ibuki smiled thankfully and did just that, placing them by the door.

Mikan walked over to the couch in the living room, Ibuki skipping over happily. Mikan sat down and Ibuki sat down next to her, "D-do you w-want to watch a-a movie?"

Ibuki's eyes sparked up, "Let's watch a horror movie! It'll be great!" Mikan grew frightened, "A-a ho-horror movie!?"

"No need to fear, Ibuki is here! I'll be here in case you get scared!" Ibuki proudly lifted her chin, smiling. Mikan shakily nodded her head, "A-alright..w-we can watch a-a horror m-movie."

Mikan picked up the remote, giving it to Ibuki. "Y-you can find a m-movie, I'll g-go make po-popcorn and get bl-blankets." Ibuki saluted, "Leave it to me! I'll find the scariest horror movie there is!" Mikan shivered and stood up, walking over to the kitchen to make the popcorn.

She opened the pantry and took out the popcorn packet, putting it in the microwave and pressing the 'popcorn' button.

(Did you know you're actually not supposed to press the popcorn button on a microwave for popcorn)

While that was going on, Mikan walked over to a closet with spare blankets and other things. Grabbing the most comfortable blanket, she closed the close door and walked back over to Ibuki.

Ibuki was scrolling through the movies, undecided on what to watch. "H-have you found a-a movie yet?" Mikan asked, giving Ibuki the blanket.

Ibuki happily took the blanket it and laid it across herself and the place Mikan was going to sit, shaking her head as she did so. "Nope, it's hard to decide when there's not many good horror movies." She pouted and frowned.

Mikan shivered, "A-All ho-horror are scary." Ibuki giggled amusingly, "Some of them are really bad, but no matter what I'll be here to protect you!" Mikan smiled thankfully at Ibuki and heard the microwave beeping.

"Th-thats the popcorn, I-I'll be b-back." Mikan turned and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing the popcorn bag from the microwave and grabbing a bowl from one of the cupboards.

Pouring the popcorn in the bowl and walking back over to Ibuki, she had found a horror movie and was waiting for Mikan to return. Mikan sat down beside Ibuki and put the blanket over her.

She set the bowl of popcorn between them and scooted closer to Ibuki, feeling nervous about the movie they're about to watch. Ibuki blushed slightly and looked at Mikan, "Don't worry Mikan! If you get scared, just hold onto Ibuki!"

Mikan nodded and grabbed onto Ibuki's arm, giving her the ok to play the movie. Ibuki started the movie and began eating the popcorn, by the time the good part had begin to play, the popcorn was already have way gone.

(It's this one movie I watched called Within that they're watching 😩😩)

By the time the movie ended, Mikan had fallen asleep on Ibuki's shoulder. Ibuki smiled softly at the nurse and turned off the tv, laying down so Mikan can sleep comfortably.

Ibuki wrapped her arms around the nurse, smiling to herself as tiredness swept over her. Mikan tiredly wrapped her arms around Ibuki, mumbling in her sleep as she did so.

Ibuki yawned and whispered, "Goodnight Mikan..sleep well." Ibuki closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

The nurse and musician went to sleep peaceful, both smiling softly as they held onto one another.

Unaware of what was to come tomorrow...

- - - - -


anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one is actually gonna be in Mukuro's POV :)


Word Count: 1708

The Guitarists Savior (Bandaid/Tsubuki)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz