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"Why do you get her all to yourself? I bet she's just a little slut." Schlatt snarled.

Dream. Was. Losing it.

"You call her that again, You won't live to see another day." Dream pushed schlatt backwards, causing the horned man to stumble. That word rang in my ears. Was I really a slut? I let tears fall down my face, trying to hold in any noises. I let out a whimper, looking down at my feet whilst grasping onto the wall, ultimately falling to my knees.

"Lor." Dream bounded over to me, as he knelt down and cupped my face in his hands.

"I-is he right? Do you think I'm a slut?" I ask, crying into his hands.

"Lor I-" Schlatt cut him off.

"Of course he does. Everyone does. That's all you will ever be," He spoke cooly, as I broke down. I turned around and ran to my room, locking the door behind myself. My back hit the door as I sunk down onto the floor. I sobbed loudly, catching the attention of the passing boy outside my room.

"Lor?" There came a knock.

"W-who is it?" I hiccuped.

"It's me, Sap. Can I come in?" I stood up and unlocked the door. I opened it and Sapnap walked into the room. He saw my distress and pulled me into a hug.

"Sap?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yes, Lor?" He answers, gazing down into my brown eyes.

"D-do you think... I'm a slut?" I asked authentically.

"Lorelei, why would you even ask that? Of course I don't," He said calmly, placing his chin on my head.

"Apparently Dream does. Schlatt said that he thinks I'm a-" I started, but got cut off by Sapnap.

"You said it yourself, Schlatt is a pathological liar. I know Dream doesn't think that." He reassured me, as I clung to him. He hugged me tightly, making me feel safe. I was lucky to say the least having him as my friend. Dream barged into the room, seeing Sapnap consoling my broken self. He came up to me, and rubbed my back.

"Lor, I don't think you're a slut. I could never think that," His voice cracked, as he broke down with me. Sapnap let go and walked out of the room, leaving me with Dream.

"I'm sorry, I just-" I sighed. "It's not the first time I've been called that."

"That's awful. I know you're not." I hugged into his chest, letting the warmth from his body overtake me. His smell was so welcoming and inviting that I couldn't resist having the contact.

"Dream?" I asked, he nodded. "I want to go to Manburg. I need to make sure Tubbo is okay,"

"We can do that. I don't want you going alone, though." he advised, knowing it was the safest option. I looked up at him as he took his thumb and wiped my tears away.

"Tubbo!" I yell, seeing the bee lover.

"Lorelei!" Tubbo dashing towards me, engulfing me in a huge hug. "I've missed you! Schlatt's reign of terror hasn't been good either."

"I bet. Let's go to my house," I said, leading him there.

"Lor- I'm not sure that's such a good idea..." I look at Tubbo confused, why couldn't I go to my own house?
"Schlatt sort of- Well I'm his right hand man now..." He stated.


"And he sort of had me rig your entire house with explosives," He finished, shaking evident in his voice. He shielded his face with his hands, as if I was going to hurt him.

"Tubbo, it's okay. This is Schlatt's fault, not yours. My bags of clothes are still in my house, and I kinda need to get those. Dream is waiting by the gate, watching us, by the way." He nodded, and we trodded to my house. We were careful, making sure to miss the pressure plates that would send my house up in flames. Tubbo was in the kitchen, when I went to get the bags out of my closet.

"Tubbo, there's a string in my closet," I heard ticking.

"LOR, GET OUT OF THERE!" Tubbo ran out of the house. There was no use now. I turned, but it was too late. A boom could be heard through Manburg, alerting Dream. He looked over at my house, and watched as it blew up with me inside.

"Oh my fucking god," Dream swore, as he charged at the house, waiting for the last explosion to go off. I felt my body fly into the air, landing with a hard thump. My entire body was screaming with pain, and I had no idea where I had landed. My eyes closed, the spinning world around me going black.

I was slowly gaining consciousness, eyes still blurry from waking up. I blinked, still adjusting to the light of the room.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" I heard someone to my left shriek. I turned my head to see who it was, only to be met with my brother, Technoblade. I also saw an IV bag, probably giving me the nutrients I needed to survive.

"How long was I out for?" I said, voice hoarse from it not being used.

"About a month and a half," He said, rushing to my side. "How do you feel?"

"Hungry, pain, happiness, sad." I said, thinking of everything I was feeling at the current moment.

"DREAM!" Techno yelled, as I tried covering my ears, but I couldn't move my arms well. "S-sorry." I heard the patter of running footsteps come close to the door, swinging it open.

"Oh my god," Dream exclaimed, practically jumping on top of me. It hurt, but it was bearable.

"I've missed you so much, you have no idea." he says into my chest. I laugh a little, playing with the taller boy's hair.

"What happened while I was out?" I asked, looking over to Techno.

"Oh uh... Well, Manburg went to battle on the sixteenth, between Schlatt and the citizens of Manburg and Pogtopia-"

"What the fuck is a Pogtopia?"

"It's what Tommy and Wilbur created after Schlatt banished them. Anyways, We fought, Dream alongside Schlatt-" I looked down at him, while he gave me an innocent expression. "-And Wilbur kind of was a traitor and blew up Manburg." My face dropped at these words, knowing my entire home was gone.

"W-where is Wilbur now?"

"Lor, he's dead," Techno said, his voice breaking as I wailed. I took my hands out of Dream's hair and covered my face. Tears were pouring down my cheeks, as I was unable to even form words. Dream squeezed my thigh reassuringly, me knowing he felt bad for me.

"W-Wilb-bur..." I cried louder, not caring about the others in the house. "Tech, what will I do without him?" Dream hugged around my waist tighter, which calmed me down a little.

"Lor, the funeral is in 3 hours," Dream said, I looked at him.

"Well get off, I need to get changed." He reluctantly let go, as I struggled to stand. I hobbled over to my dresser, and grabbed out a black dress. I stood there, looking at the two boys.

"Uh, a little privacy?" they both scrambled out of the room, and I changed. My right leg gave out, and I tumbled to the floor.

"SHIT!" I raised my voice unintentionally, as I tried to push myself off the floor. My door opened gently, which revealed a tall, 6'3 man, in a green hoodie and a white smiley mask.

"Are you ok!?" Dream asked hurriedly, and rushed to my aid.

"I'm fine, Dream. My leg though..." I reached down to touch it and I couldn't feel it. "Dream, I can't feel my leg. I CAN'T FEEL MY LEG." I started to hyperventilate, grasping onto Dream's shoulder for dear life. The tears threatened to spill from my eyes, as he tried to calm me down.

"So suddenly?" He reached into a chest on the wall and took out a regeneration potion. "Drink."

I took the bottle graciously, and drank the entire bottle of pink liquid, slowly gaining feeling back into my leg. He helps me up, and I hobble out of the room. I had a long black dress on with a black purse.

[Word Count: 1340]

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