"You do so much as make a sound, you're going to be locked in that room for the rest of your damn life," Dream hushed coldly. He stood up, and walked back into the clearing.

"Gentlemen! How are we today?" I heard Dream say.

"Dream. What did you do with Lor?" I heard President Wilbur speak.

"She's safe, for now," I so badly wanted to pop up and run to Wilbur, and I was getting ready to do so when I felt two hands on my shoulders, pushing me back into the tree. Sapnap. He looked into my eyes, and I could feel his warmth from here. Why did this all have to happen in my sacred space? Then the voices started up again. You need to get up and kill these men. They mean nothing to you. Blood for the blood god. Stab them mercilessly, they don't care about you. I started losing my vision, only being able to see red. I started hyperventilating, not knowing what to do. The voices have never been this violent, so I started thrashing around in his grip. I let out a whimper, as Sapnap tried to calm me down.

"H-help me!!!" I screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone around me. Dream was the first one to see me, tears streaming down my face.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" I yelled, doing everything in my power to release myself from the awful things they were saying. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo rushed over to me, and only Wilbur knew what was going on.

"Don't touch her, Sapnap," Wilbur commanded, and Sapnap let go.

"That goes the same for you, buddy," Dream snarled at Wilbur.

"It's never been this bad before. Tommy, go get her brother from Manburg." At these words, Tommy trudged off towards her home.

"D-Dream!" I stuttered, making him walk closer to me. I grasped onto his leg, causing him to bend down. I grasped onto anything I could, being blinded by the red blood spatters across my vision. I grabbed onto his shoulder, shaking.

"Please... Make it stop..." I cried, as he put his hand on my cheek. Soon, Tommy arrived with her brother, Technoblade.

"You," Dream spat directly towards Techno, not even getting a reaction from him. Once he saw the pleading girl on the ground, he knew exactly what was happening.

"Well, this is extreme. I haven't had voices like this in years," Techno said in a monotone voice. "Get her some water, and she needs a person she trusts to calm her down. Now I know that's not you, Dream-" techno started.

"I-I want Dream," I sputtered, trying to get my words out. Wilbur came running back up with water from the lake, and handed it to Techno. Techno, in disbelief, handed it to Dream.

"Let's go, all of us. That includes you, Sapnap." Sapnap glared at Techno, and back at Dream.

"Go." was all Dream said, and Sapnap turned away in a huff. It was just the two of them. I was still hyperventilating, but Dream being there helped. Dream tipped the water into my mouth, as I felt the cool liquid down my throat. I felt around for his shoulders. I found them and realized he was sitting criss-cross beside me. I crawled over to him and sat in his lap, hugging him around the shoulders. He was hesitant at first, but then hugged me around my waist as I cried into the crook of his neck, but it was helping. He made me feel calm, which was a new feeling for me. Only the water at the lake could do that for me. I eventually calmed down, still sitting with Dream, arms around his shoulders. I didn't want to move. I felt safe in his arms, and when I was around him, the voices completely stopped. My brain was filled with silence, which I haven't heard in years. Dream was speaking sweet nothings into my ear, as I slowly started getting my vision back.

"Dream," I said calmly, pulling away from his neck. I looked at him in the eyes of his mask. I pushed the mask up so I could see his beautiful green eyes. "Thank you," which only came out as a whisper. He smiled at me, managing to stand up with my legs still wrapped around his waist. He carried me back down the prime path, passing by every one of the men who were previously involved in my situation. I just stuck my head down further into Dream's neck, not wanting to look at any of them. I could feel the death glares on Dream from Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo, while I felt a smug smirk on me. Sapnap. We eventually made it to a large house, which I had assumed was his. He walked into a room, themed with emerald green, black, brown, and natural colors. He put me down gently on the bed, and started walking towards the door.

"N-no... Please stay," I squeaked out, not wanting to be alone. He looked at me, and sighed. He pushed me under the covers, and walked to the other side of the bed. He sat down shoving his long legs underneath the covers. I looked at him as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. My face was so close to his chest I could hear his heartbeat. He held me there, and I eventually fell asleep. I dreamt about the lake, like I had been for the past month. I could hear my father faintly calling to me in the distance. Every night I dreamt of the lake, the clearer his voice got. The dream felt so familiar, so surreal. Tonight is when I fully realized what the dream was. It was the night of my father's passing.

[Word Count: 1717]

Colors of Love - Dream x OCWhere stories live. Discover now