six; a not so sleepover

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"sapnap!" george squealed in a high pitched voice as his screen announced to him that he had died.

a fit of giggling erupted from his friend who was now collecting all of his items.

"george what is that sound? is there a cat that broke in? it sounds like purring." sapnap said causing george to look confused.

"i was just reading his chat and some people commented that." clay added.

george turned around to notice that jocelyn was curled in a ball, sleeping on the end of his bed. a small snore was escaping her lips, which must have been the "purring" that they were hearing. he smiled knowing she was actually getting rest. he had been berating her the last few weeks due to her overworking tendencies that had dramatically limited her hours spent sleeping.

"what's got you smiling like that? is it actually a cat? let me see!" sapnap's enthusiasm reminded him he was still on display to thousands of people.

"what? no! guys im gonna go ahead and end the stream here and figure out what it is. thank you all for joining and i will see you all very soon! goodbye!" george ended his stream with a sigh of relief.

"dude what is up? why are you acting like that?" clay said.

at that moment get looked at his phone to see he was receiving a facetime call from both clay and nick. he left discord, as did they, and he joined the facetime.

"you kept looking behind your back, are you being held captive? blink twice if you need us to send tommy to your house to rescue you." sapnap instructed, trying to stay serious.

"no, i'm not being held captive. i just have a guest over." george said, figuring he would have to tell them eventually. he turned the phone to show the heavily sleeping girl behind him.

thank goodness for headphones, because if he had not been wearing them, jocelyn would have surely awoken from the screams that almost blew out george's eardrums.




"please stop yelling or i will lose my hearing." george responded, pressing a hand against his ear.

"you're worried about us yelling and you have a whole girl asleep in your room? how long has she been there? was she there the whole stream? who is she? you know a real life girl?" clay filed out every question he could think of.

"that's jocelyn," george said getting up and stepping into the living room, not to wake her. "she's my friend."

"well i'd say so, she's asleep on your bed." sapnap offered.

"no really, she's just my friend. we met just a few weeks ago and i wanted to hang out with her and she's wanted to see how i stream."

clay and sapnap both sat there absolutely flabbergasted.

"why have we never heard of her?" clay seemed a bit hurt.

"i didn't want you guys to freak out like this. there isn't anything going on... yet." he let the last word mumble out.

"YET?" sapnap screeched.

"i'll call you guys tomorrow and explain more. i need to get her back home."

"fine, but you owe us big time for keeping this a secret."

george ended the call and walked back into his room. he sat on his chair and rolled to where he sat next to the end of the bed where she laid. he knew he needed to wake her, but he also wanted just a moment.

the moment consisted of pure admiration. her glasses were a bit smushed against her face with the position her head laid. she had one hand acting as a pillow under her cheek, like how a child would pretend to sleep. her lips were just parted enough where the sweet humming could come out as she breathed in her sleep.

he gently took his hand and held it above her cheek, wondering if it was worthy enough to touch her, much less disrupt her sleep. he moved just a few inches down and landed on her shoulder.

"jocelyn?" he whispered, part of him hoping she wouldn't hear and would continue sleeping. his hand softly caressing her shoulder, moving her hair behind it.

"hm?" her eyes squeezed a bit tighter.

"you fell asleep."

her eyes opened, revealing his favorite shade of blue. she quickly scanned the room and he watched as she connected the dots that she had been sleeping in his room.

"oh geez, i'm so sorry," she started quickly sitting up. "i didn't mean to fall asleep. i must have been more tired than i thought-"



"you're okay. i promise," his reassuring words calmed every tension that lived in her body. "you've been a bit sleep deprived lately, right?"

she nodded, a bit embarrassed that he had noticed her failure to take care of herself in the rest department.

"i should probably get going." she said and george's face immediately showed that it wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"alright." he followed her as she made her way to exit.

she turned to face him as the doorway stood between them. she tried to act casual as her hand ran through her hair, making sure her bed head wasn't obvious.

"thank you for tonight. i didn't realize how much i needed a break."

"i know you didn't," he singsonged. "get some good rest, okay?"

"will do, george davidson. goodnight." she started to back her way out.

"goodnight jocelyn wiley."

he shut his door and a brand new emotion covered him like a blanket. it took him by surprise, not being able to immediately identify it.

then it hit him.

he was sad she had to leave.

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