fifteen; a much needed homecoming

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"come here, junebug." jocelyn sang, finally answering her cat that had been purring for attention for half an hour.

she picked up her cat and stepped back to look at the canvas that she had been working on for the last few hours, well working on didn't fully describe it. it was stressing her out. big time.

early that morning she got a very unexpected call from one of her past professors. he was heading up a large art auction for the next evening and realized pretty last minute that he had an open spot available. the first person to come to his mind to fill it was jocelyn. he told her to make whatever she wanted to fill the spot, and she would get the total proceeds of whatever price it auctioned off at.

while she was ecstatic, with this being the first time she had ever sold a work of her own, she was even more nervous. she didn't want to mess this up, knowing her first auction could very easily become her last.

she had called george as soon as she had gotten the news, but he didn't answer. she then texted him, and was still without answer. which was fine, she told herself. today was his last full day in america. he had told her the day before that they had lots planned.  a tiny, selfish part of her wished that george would be just bored enough to check his phone and see her messages. she was worrying herself to the point of sickness, and george was so good at calming her down and bringing her back to peace, while also encouraging her.

"you can just be my hype man while george is busy," jocelyn said to her cat and with almost comedically perfect timing, junebug turned around and left her alone in her kitchen. "cool."

hey guys, i'm sorry i hate to be a bother but is george okay?
i havent heard from him in all day and had some news to tell him

jocelyn instantly regretted sending those messages. she didn't want to come across as obsessive or controlling, it really was just concern.

hey jocelyn im sorry ive been keeping him busy all day with filming and editing

yeah hes good ! just sleeping last i checked

she felt pretty dumb at that moment. she instantly felt guilty for wanting to pour her stress over the auction on him while he was just trying to enjoy his last little bit with his friends. she decided to put her phone away, not wanting to annoy anyone else.

artist block was always one of jocelyn's biggest fears. it terrified her to think that she just couldn't produce art, which was the only thing she wanted to do in life. and the thing was, she had never had a bad case of artist block, until now. all throughout her school careers it came very natural for her to come up with ideas and execute them.

she was sat, flipping through her idea sketch books, hoping something would pop out that she would want to bring to life on her canvas. jocelyn honestly just wanted george to be there. he was such an inspiration for her. she still hadn't heard back from him, and it was somewhat getting to her. she was upset that she couldn't make any contact with him, and even more upset that she wouldn't see him until tomorrow evening, when his plane lands.

a few moments later, she heard a knock on her door. jocelyn eagerly jumped up, taking advantage of being able to step away from her project. when she opened the door, she could barely even take in who was there before she was almost knocked to the ground in a hug.

"george?!" jocelyn both asked and exclaimed.

"hey josie." george held her so tight, breathing in the smell of her shampoo.

"what are you doing here? you weren't supposed to come back until tomorrow i thought."

"i missed you too much," he had such a big grin, taking pride in the fact that he was able to pull this off. "and i wanted to surprise you."

george looked up from his girlfriend, and noticed that her living area and kitchen was, to put it lightly, destroyed. she had sketch books piled high on her counters, paint drop cloths covering the floors, and art supplies scattered about.

"what's going on here?" he asked, trying to be polite about the mess.

jocelyn went on to explain her professor's offer to be in the auction, and then told him all about her awful artist's block.

george had only been home for 5 minutes before saying "how can i help?"

george had only been home for 5 minutes before saying "how can i help?"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

liked by sapnapinsta and 862,513 others.
georgenotfound super focused

dreamwastaken is the caption about jocelyn or you?
tommyinnit i need to meet this girl to give my approval stamp
nihaachuu im obsessed with her
random1 he's already back from florida:(

"i've got it!" jocelyn yelled, grabbing george's attention from his phone.

before he could respond, she jumped up from the table and ran to start executing the idea onto the canvas. george watched as she excitedly collected her paints from around the room and prepared to start using them. he loved these eager little spurts she would have when she got an art idea, and knew it would be good.

george really missed jocelyn while he was gone. don't get him wrong, he was over the moon to finally meet his friends. he had been looking forward to it for years. he just wasn't expecting for jocelyn to be on his mind as much as she was. and his friends could tell he was a bit homesick because of her. sapnap would tease anytime he saw him looking to see if she had messaged him. dream allowed him to be a bit more serious with him, however.

"you should bring her with you next time you come stay with us." dream told his friend, noticing him scrolling through jocelyn's instagram.

"really?" george asked. "i think you guys would really like her. she reminds me a lot of both of you."

"i can tell you really like her. you're different with her than your past relationships."

"i really do, dream. i'm serious about her. i don't want to ever lose her."

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