change your destiny

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FRIDAY: good morning miss odinson

i jolt awake at the computer voice on my mirror

me: who are you?

FRIDAY: my name is FRIDAY, an artificial intelligence program designed by tony stark to help. mr stark has called a team meeting in five minutes. what would you like me to say to him?

me: oh um tell him i'm on my way. thanks FRIDAY

FRIDAY: of course, have a good day

she clicks off the mirror and i quickly get up, change myself in a matter of seconds, literally, and run downstairs in a messy bun

me: good morning i yawn ooo breakfast! i grab an apple from the food display

wanda: how are you so pretty when you wake up?

me: oh please, look at you

she smiles at me and tony starts the meeting

tony: alright so we think loki brought y/n here and cap over here says she can help loki

steve: well thor told y/n who told me

thor: it makes the most sense i mean loki and her are best friends. he wouldn't bring her here for no reason.

tony: you're right it does make sense, the night y/n appeared i got a notice that loki had escaped his chamber, got a hold of the tesseract for a few seconds, but then got locked back up

me: chamber??

tony: he unleashed havoc on the state of new york. so yes, chamber. me, y/n, nat, and steve will all go to see if it's true. wheels up in 20

he dismisses the meeting and i turn to smile at steve. he smiles back and i hug him while he's still in his office chair. i almost push him over i'm excitement. he laughs and i come out of the hug and run into my room. i was going to see my brother, and best friend again. i put on my fighting gear, which is a white flowy almost romper and black leather gloves. i pace my room waiting for the time to pass and 20 minutes go bye. i walk out and see steve in his captain america suit. and did he look good.

tony: oh this is your little get up?

me: oh please it's better than yours. you just put on a suit of iron

tony: i guess you look better than the star-spangled man over here

i look at natasha and giggle before we head down to the garage in the elevator. tony takes nat and steve takes me. we take two cars in case we have to drive loki home.

me: hey old man wanna vibe to some music?

steve: not if it's asgardian

me: i've been to earth more times than thor. plus asgardian music sucks

i whip out my phone and i still had from my last trip to earth and put on my playlist. i put on good old fashioned lover boy by queen, a personal favorite

steve nods at the beginning of the song she has taste! he briefly looks over and smiles at me

me: never doubt me to not impress captain

steve: never again!

we vibe to some music and after a short car ride we arrive at some prison-looking compound. we get out and get through security and we get led to a room with some big metal doors

steve: you ready?

i take a deep breathe yes

the doors open and i see loki in this big glass chamber, leaning against the clear wall zoned out

me: loki?

loki jolts up and sees me

loki: y/n...

me: get him out of this chamber right fucking now

tony: can't do that

me: well what's it going to take?

tony: him agreeing that he'll never commit another crime again and if he does he'll rot in this cell forever

me: loki just agree! so i can hug your ugly face

he starts tearing up i cannot agree he puts his hand against the glass

me: why? i press my hand against his

loki: i-i- was lied to my entire life

me: what do you mean? by who?

loki: i was adopted y/n. odin and frigga were never my true parents. my destiny is to be the god of mischief

me: loki please, we can change our own destiny a tear runs down my face you don't have to be him. you're better than this. i know you

loki: i brought you here. i had to see you

me: yeah?

loki: yeah he looks down and we are both fully in tears now

me: loki i miss you. we don't have to go back home. this can be your new home. right here on midgard. please, just, be the brother i always knew

loki: okay

me: okay? okay! that was easy now get him out of this stupid chamber

tony: alright alright, we'll get him to sign the papers later

tony grabs a pair of keys and unlocks the large locks on the chamber. i step back so he can open it but i run in and hug loki. he breaks down in my arms. you're gonna be okay lok. i know i will n/n. we hug for a little and we eventually let go

me: stark your letting him stay at the tower i say before power walking out of that joint

tony: you don't give me orders little lady

me: do you want me to pin you to the ground again i turn around angrily and my hair flies past my face and behind my shoulder

i watch loki make that oooo face he always used to give

natasha: she is very stubborn

loki: always has been

tony rolls his eyes and we take loki in our car. we sit in some awkward silence before we were about to turn into the garage lot of the tower

loki: so captain are you canoodling with my sister?

i whip my head towards the backseat what?

loki: y/n, you're the goddess of beauty. of course every man you meet will fall head over heels for you. it's up to you he points his finger at me to decide your fate.

i sit there for a little, holding the back seat before i whip back around and think about what he said. my fate. he was right, i had to decide. not my mother nor my father but me. i look over at steve and he's giving a slight smile.

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