life stories

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me: wait why would loki bring me here though?

thor: he missed you. a lot

me: well i miss him too you know, dad was so occupied making you king loki and i were shoved off to the side a lot

thor: that's not my fault!

me: i know it's not, we just grew close

thor: i get it, well if you cannot settle in let's show off what you can do

we walk back out to the main room and see everyone still sitting around talking

thor: she would like to show all of you what she can do

tony: well goddess of eternal life so no death, and beauty so what you can change into whatever clothes you want?

me: well that is a plus i start spinning around and change into some comfier clothes. i had been on earth a few times prior to this so i changed into their style, a crop top and some black leggings

tony: and how is that supposed to help us?

me: it's not. but it's not all i can do. now when you think of beauty a lot of people think of nature. so i can control all the elements

i look around for a candle and flick my finger to light it. the fire on the wick starts. everyone's heads whip to the candle then back at me. i take a deep breathe, fly up a little and create an ice ball and fire ball in each hand. everyone looks at me stunned. i slowly fly back to the ground and close my hands

me: so that covers air, fire, and water, and i won't cover earth right now

wanda: that's so cool! and why not?

me: well unless you want me to uproot this whole building and throw it into space

tony: no nope done with space. alright kid, you got talent. wanna join the team?

me: oh i-

thor: she'd love to

me: thor i-

thor: it's okay. it's just kind of an official name. they call you in when your needed and you can return either here or home when your done.

me: okay i say hesitantly

tony: great, you'll need to train

me: oh i don't need training

thor: she's right

tony: oh yeah prove it. hand to hand combat

i walk up to him and stare him in the eyes. he goes for a punch, but i grab his fist with my hand, twist it around his back, and kick the back of his knees so he's on the ground. i straddle his back and pinch and nerve in his neck to make him almost scream like a little bitch baby. alright alright red!! he shouts. red is a universal safe word

i let him go and he's out of breathe, face down on the floor. i stand up wipe my hands clean with each other

sam: now i know not to mess with you

me: glad you learned your lesson

tony gets up all and wipes off his shirt. alright fine just everyone go to bed he sounds embarrassed

i wave everyone goodbye and thor hugs me before i walk into my room. put on some pajamas with the touch of my fingers and drift off to sleep.

i've always had trouble staying asleep. i decided to get up and my pajamas were nothing but some underwear and a big oversized tshirt that fell just below my ass. i walk into the kitchen to grab some water. good morning i hear a voice call out. i jolt up out of fear

steve: hey it's me cool your pants. or lack there of

me: don't go all looking rogers, just grabbing a water. why are you up?

steve: oh i- i don't know

me: okay flat out lie, tell me. what am i gonna do expose you? i come from another planet

he laughs and shakes his head looking at the counter

steve: i had a nightmare from the war

me: which war?

steve: world war 2

me: wait okay ive been around long enough to educate myself on the 9 realms. wasn't that in the 1940 something?

steve: you're not the only old one here, i'm over 100 years old

me: so a fossil?

steve: less of one than you

we both laugh and he shares his life story to me. i listen and listen and listen. he talks about his greatest love, and then her death. now this might bother a lot of girls, a potential love interest talking about his ex love, but it didn't bother me. i saw the way he lit up when he talked about her.

steve: god sorry you had to listen to all of that. he chuckles i mean i just told you my whole life story

me: it's okay, i enjoyed it

steve: so what's your story?

me: well, i was the third child, youngest. my mom always wanted a girl and my dad was happy he got a princess in the bloodline. growing up loki and i were always disregarded by our father. he was so focused on making thor king. my mom, she's just an angel. she loves telling me i'm the most beautiful girl to ever walk the 9 realms, which i find hard to believe

steve: are you kidding?

me: no, are you? have you seen natasha and wanda!

steve: yes and they are very pretty, but nothing compared to you

i blush in the dark at his words and continue to tell him my story. and then well what thor thinks is that loki used this thing called the tesseract to get me here.

steve: yeah he kinda invaded new york with a bunch of space aliens. why you though?

me: well loki and i have always been super close, closer than thor and i and that says a lot, and what thor thinks that he just missed me i don't know

steve: well maybe you could help him. you know, make him un-evil again

me: maybe if i just knew where he was

steve: he is in holding. i can talk to stark tomorrow and see if he'll agree

me: are you serious? thank you thank you thank you! i say jumping out of the high chair and practically squealing. i hug him tightly and i hear a chuckle come from him.

we let go of the hug and his hand slowly grazes me waist for a second longer than it should have. i look into his eyes for a second and i notice his eyes on my lips. i smirk and walk away, leaving him unsatisfied

steve: oh so you're a tease!!

me: goodnight rogers!!

steve: goodnight y/n

i walk away, adding a small sway in my hips. i get back under the white sheets and cuddle up to sleep.

princess of asgard- steve rogers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now