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"Maybe I am a villain in your story, but I am a hero in mine."
- The Timingila, Shon Mehta

Clara was actually happy that Fundy had taken Tommy away. She had business to attend to that she didn't want Tommy to get involved in. Tommy had this image in his mind of Clara, and she didn't want to know the strain that would weigh against their relationship if Tommy knew the truth about everything.

Clara told herself she was using Tommy. And she was. Tommy was born with a powerful gift that put him on a pedestal like his brother Technoblade. Clara was smart enough to see it when no one else but Dream did. Tommy's ability to take seemingly pointless items and turn them into the axis of karmic destiny was nothing short of incredible. If Tommy somehow- subconsciously- endowed Clara with even a fraction of the power he gave the discs, she would be unstoppable. Clara had weaseled her way into Tommy's life ever since she realized. Clara had taken every precaution so that Tommy saw what she wanted him to see.

The problem was, a small seed of human emotion had begun growing in her heart. Clara fought against the empathy, but Tommy didn't let her weeding get very far. His annoying and charming attitude had compelled Clara to protect him for more than her selfish goals. Clara didn't have to act when Tommy tried to make her interested in something he loved. Clara genuinely wanted to see him smile and laugh and get the happiness few people thought he deserved.

Unfortunately, that small spark of humanity was nothing in comparison to the Egg's influence. While Clara proclaimed she was part of the Egg, the two were like separate entities bound together. The Egg was a husk of a Dreamon's loathing and spite, kept alive by bathing in blood and sacrifices. Clara was the spirit within the Egg that had a sense of free will. Clara could act as she pleased for the most part. The Egg was controlled by the overwhelming rage the Dreamon left behind in the world. The Egg was a battery and Clara was the current of electricity. Clara, as a piece of the Egg and Dreamon, was influenced by this unrighteous vengeance.

That was why Clara kept convincing Tommy to put his trust and faith in her and only her. That's why Clara allowed the white armor to slide across her body, the red symbols blazing with magical energy. Clara's hands closed around a rubite sword, her eyes scanning the forestry for her opponent.

Pale, dull gold skin with emeralds placed in his eye sockets. A swinging gray shark tail with a sandy underside. He wore a gray poncho with hieroglyphics and a hood with shark-like teeth around his head. In his hands was a dark blue scythe whose black, curved blade reflected ghostly apparitions of sea dwelling predators snatching up unsuspecting prey.

"Totem," Clara nodded to her enemy. Her blade swung forwards to test the air. A sharp swatting noise bounced across the area as Foolish stepped out of the trees to completely show off his appearance. Like his aura wasn't enough. Clara had expected more from the older god, but she guessed he was still too young to be considered anything less than a rookie. Clara would have to see how well a rookie used Leviathan.

"Clara, there really isn't any reason to fight. We can settle this peacefully, can't we?" Foolish asked with a smile underneath his Totem nose. Clara snarled in his general direction. He could have almost any appearance he wanted, and he chose a Totem of Undying wearing a shark onesie? He wasn't even at his full height most of the time!

"Considering that you're little allies want me dead, I'd say we past peaceful settling a long time ago," Clara ventured to say with an eye roll. Still, she kept from attacking in case there was a deal Foolish could offer that would benefit Clara and the Egg.

"That's a stretch. We don't want you dead, we want our friends back. The Egg has been driving people mad. Friendships and families have been shattered by the Egg, and I don't want that happening anymore. You've lived centuries in peace. Why now?" Foolish asked with a hard stare. Clara wondered how she could tell what he was feeling. His face didn't give anything away. If Clara didn't know better, she'd say he was inanimate. Must be the unbearable aura, she thought sourly.

"Again with the word peace. Do you know what that means, Foolish? I have lived centuries simmering in the hate of a long since dead creature. My heart has been poisoned with thoughts of bringing everything down to the underworld where it belongs. I have fought against these urges for long enough. I will no longer be sedated with blood. I will have my revenge against the world, no matter what I have to do in order to get it," Clara growled the words out. Foolish spent his early days getting worshiped, and has spent the last century wandering the world to have fun with people. Karl had a normal life with love and companionship when he accepted his divinity. Hannah was raised by the forest to be the pinnacle of nature protection. Clara was groomed to be a goddess of chaos by the whims of a dead Dreamon. Peace and fairness left a long time ago. "And I will kill you if you are in my way."

Clara ran towards Foolish, swinging her blade. Sparks flew as the sword clashed against the scythe. Foolish spun himself so the sword scrapped off the scythe. As Clara tripped forwards, Foolish went all the way around so the tang of the snath hit Clara's stomach, sending her back. Clara didn't let this deteriorate her as she marched forwards, ducking under the chine to strike at Foolish's inner thigh. He jumped up in time, but his tail got knicked by the blade as he landed. Clara continued into a slide.

Foolish spun the scythe in his hand fast enough for it to become like a shield. Clara waited for a moment to strike, finding one when she feinted right and kicked her leg up left. She slammed into Foolish's side with her foot, sword coming up behind to cut Foolish's underarm. He screamed something as he swung the scythe back to Clara. The toe caught against her breastplate. A loud screech filled the air as the scythe ruined the armor by creating a scratch in it.

"I didn't need it anyways," Clara said bitterly as she tapped against the armor. It disappeared revealing a sports bra, but Clara kept her helmet, pants, and boots. Clara ran at Foolish again, but he jumped in the air, flipping so his feet were up towards the early morning sun as he tossed Leviathan at Clara. She easily dodged the landing of the scythe, but when the ground began to tremble, she was tossed in the air by the explosion that sent dirt flying. Clara lost her sword in the scuffle.

Clara didn't see the punch coming, but she had to respect Foolish's idea. His fist slammed against Clara's cheek with enough force to send Clara hurtling back to the ground. Clara landed with a loud thud as cracks formed a silhouette around her body. Clara coughed as pain blossomed in her face and back.

Clara slid 180 degrees out of the way as Foolish came down ready to strike. He did a backflip, hands grabbing the snath of Leviathan as he landed. He raised it up, preparing to strike down Clara. She grabbed the blade with her bare hands, giving Foolish a demented grin as she kicked him in the stomach again, pulling the scythe from his grasp. Foolish landed in a tree, the branches falling on top of him. Clara gave a pout as she wondered over, enjoying how Foolish struggled against the tree limbs.

"Stay out of my way," Clara said as she pulled out flint and steel. With one strike, sparks flew down on the wood... firewood. After an agonizing few seconds, the wood burst into flames, Foolish's screams rising above the cackling. Clara gave a smirk as she tossed Leviathan beside the burning pile. Clara turned around to head back towards Tommy.

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