Chapter 1: Ordinary

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Carter Pov
As Carter sat there waiting and waiting for class to be over she daydreamed of countless activities she could be doing. But of course her parents would never let her skip school for "entertainment purposes."

But when the bell rang it was Angels singing to her ears for she knew the day was over and she could go home. As she walked out of class she saw her best friend Lizzy waiting for her as she always does after school. Lizzy was 15 just like me she was about 5 foot 3, she had dirty blond hair, with green eyes that had such curiosity in them and pale skin.

As Carter approached her Lizzy asked "so what are you doing for the weekend?"

As usual Carter had forgotten it was Friday and she replied by saying "don't have much planned probably just sit on the couch in my pj's and watch reruns of SpongeBob."

"It's hard to believe that you look like a 15 yr old but have a mind of 2 yr old." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Well you forgot to mention that I'm a hot 15 yr old, and plus 2 yr olds don't have to worry what they have to do for weekends since they don't have to go to school oh how I miss those days I would quit school by now if I didn't have things holding me back" I rambled on and on.

After I finished my rambling I jumped into Lizzy's car my car was by the mechanics since I had an accident with speeding oops. Lizzy dropped me home and I gave her a quick wave before I entered my house.

It was the same as usual my dad was working on his laptop by the table, he had shaggy brown hair and was 6 foot 3, green eyes just like Lizzy. My mom had short dark brown hair, and was a little shorter than my dad with brown eyes who was working in the kitchen. Truth be told I didn't look my parents at all, the only feature I had that compared to them was the dark brown hair but it stopped there. I was about 5 foot 4 with blue eyes that my parents said looked like the sky , and had a light tan. It amazed some people of how I was my parents birth child I for one questioned this to.

The ironic thing is I may always have a hidden scratch or 2 because let's just say I'm prone to not listen to the rules, and I always end up in a fight in a blink of an eye. But of course my parents didn't know that. Hopefully...

"Hey sweetie how was school?" My mom called out from the kitchen.

"Great mom I had the best day of my life it was so awesome" I hinted with a note of sarcasm hoping she understood.

"You know school is best for you" she replied

Me and my dad both snorted he for one doesn't participate in these conversations knowing that he would side with me and mom would get angry.

"Whatever you say mom" I took an apple from the counter and sat across from my father and started munching on it. I then realized the silence that surrounded me I looked up to see my parents look at me with guilt.

" ummm what's with the guilt faces guys?" I questioned

" Carter lets talk" I leaned in giving him the signal to go on.

"You know me and your mother love you to bits and there's nothing in the world that could makes us prouder. We wouldn't ever want anything to change. But sometimes things get in the way."

I glanced from my dad to my mom then my dad again I didn't get what they were telling me are they saying that there are forces who are trying to disrupt our happiness. Like is it Turing into Star Wars now? "So is there like someone who wants to destroy us or something?"

Their eyes lit up but then fell again due to my joke this time mom spoke up " honey just understand that we love you okay and no matter what happens tomorrow we always cared about you"

" wait what do u mean tomorrow what going to happen tomorrow?" Hoping for a direct answer

" just remember what we said okay" dad replied ignoring my question

I signed in anger this was getting nowhere, so I decided to take my backpack and go to my room to study or something to get my mind off of what my parents are saying and why they're being so secretive. I slept that night replaying the events that happened in the kitchen, and the more I thought about it the more worried I became.

So I braced myself for the events to come. With that last thought I drifted to sleep.

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