Chaper 2

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but here is finally a new update :)
I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This maybe a bad chapter I really don't know I haven't looked over this chapter for like a month just saying!

Amy's Pov

Ricky comes around the corner and walks right behind Ben and me. "I don't like Ricky and I never have and never will," I remind Ben lying right through my own teeth. I look at him with anger.

"Is it because I am not good enough for you. Will I ever be good enough to actually be your boyfriend. Will I have ever be enough for you!" I hear someone hell from behind me. I turn around slowly shaking a bit and I lock eyes with a very pissed Ricky Underwood.

I gulp. We just keep staring into our eyes looking deeper into each other trying to figure each other out. I can feel it in my bones that a fight is going to break out any second. My body is shaking slight from his loud noise that made me gasp. A cocky grin comes across Ben's face.

"Yeah Ricky, you'll never be able to win Amy's heart because it's always going to belong to me and only me." Ben steps forward closer to Ricky cocking his head.

Ricky's face is turning bright red and his hands are clenched. "What happens between Amy and me. Stays between us. Now stay out of it before I make you shut up."

I kept on peering between the two of them ready to watch one of them strike. I was currently being pushed behind Ben, who had his fist clenched too. Ricky's eyes peer up at my own.

Hazel on dark chocolate eyes.

The puffy feeling was still around my eyes after hearing the words that came from Ben's mouth. A growl comes from the dark brown haired 14 year old. "What did you do to her?"

His voice was laced with concern and anger. Ricky was at the point of demanding everything from Ben. While on the other hand, Ben looked like he wasn't ready to stand down.

"Well Underwood, it's none of your business. Remember what Amy and I do stays between the two of us." Ben mocks at Ricky holding up his fingers in an arch as he was talking. 

Ricky dives forward, shoving me to the side a bit, grabbing Ben's arms and shoving him into the locker with a loud crash.

"Tell me right now before I bash your face in. I'm not playing anymore. You hurt Amy. You mess with me. Nobody hurts her, including you." Ricky spats in his face letting go of his hands. Ben falls to the ground with a smug look across his face still.

Ben glares up at Ricky. Oh My gosh what is he doing now. Come on, Amy. Just tell Ricky yourself. Don't let your bestfriend get kicked out of school. I step forward grabbing the sleeve of the jacket and tugged him away from Ben. "Ricky. It was nothing. It was simply the end. Ben and I are done."

Ricky glances up at me with an understanding expression. He stares down at Ben spitting on Ben. His eyes come right back at me filled with anger.

He grabs my hand and brings me over to the other side of the hall. His eyes was staring deep into my own. "We need to talk."


I know that was very short, but I wanna leave it off a cliff hanger just so you guys wanna read again. Thank you for all of the votes and comments I got last chapter. I know that I haven't updated in like FOREVER. I will update very soon and I'll rewrite the first chapter. Edit time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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