Growing closer

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almost 900 reads... Holy crap thank you so much! I had a fun time writing this chapter :P

The plane lifted and sped away and when far away enough, Chris pressed the trigger down. This caused a huge explosion that completely obliterated the small village and all in its path. He sighed as he watched, soon turning away from the window.

Mia was sitting on a bench, holding Rose close and crying. Chris knelt down in front of her.

"...I'm sorry, Mia." He said, causing her to snap her head up at him.

"He's not dead. I know it! You don't understand, Ethan can't die!"

Chris believed this also. He looked at the jacket that Rose was wrapped in, then getting up. He stood away from Mia, silently pausing and then said, "I know your right. I saw that asshole Heisenberg, and his words make me believe that he has Ethan hostage."

"Then we have to go rescue him! He would say the same for me, for you! For Rose..." she looked down at her baby girl in her arms. "We have to..."

"No. Not with you and Rose here. There are so many things that can go wrong. We need to get you to a secure area first, and then we will think about going after Heisenberg and Ethan."

"..think about it..?" Mia said slowly.
"Your the one who left him behind! Chris, you don't know what will happen if we wait! Please!" She cried in a desperate tone.

Chris walked away, telling Mia to sit down. She refused and chased after Chris. "Did you even hear what I just said! He could be being tortured, or worse! Chris--!" He turned around, giving Mia a sad look before closing the pilot door in her face. She looked down at Rose, who was cooing in her arms. Rose looked at her with big, bright eyes. "Your daddy will come back to us. Whether if I have to save him or not, is the question. My main priority is you, Rose. I love you, and so does..." a few tears fell down Mias face. "So does your dad." She brought Rose close and snuggled her face into her own. She had to be strong. For Rose.

Here's the part I know you've all been waiting for *grin*

He awoke, still tied to the chair. He could not remember why he was there, or even... who he was? he looked around the dark room. He spotted smoke coming from the dark corner. "Hello?" he asked the figure. "Why... Why am I here?" Heisenberg stepped out of the shadows, a mask of sympathy appearing over his face. This was going to be amazing. "You passed out, I had to restrain you. Don't you remember?" He was intentionally being vague, because in truth, he couldn't explain the real reason Ethan was strapped to that chair. "N--No... I.." He paused, clearly confused. "I don't even remember who I am. My name... Why I am here.." He looked down and spotted his hand. Why did he have metal fingers? He flexed the fingers. "U-uh.. My hand...?"

Heisenberg went up and undid the bindings. "Your name is Ethan, and you live here in the factory, here with me" Heisenberg pretended to be sad. "And my name is Karl..." He paused, then added "Your Husband." Ethan got up from the chair, and looked at Heisenberg. "My...Husband..." he trailed off. "Why do we live in a factory?"

"Because its big, but.. we could always move somewhere else" In truth, he wanted to put all this behind him. all the creatures, everything. He couldn't have Ethan seeing them. Plus, that asshole Chris Redfield knew where they were. They had to move. Ethan nodded to Heisenberg's suggestion. Heisenberg reached his hand out, suggesting Ethan take his hand. "Then lets go, I have a perfect place we can go and leave all of this behind us."

"Really? Where?" Ethan said, taking his hand

"Well, do you want it to be a surprise, or do you want me to tell you?"

Ethan twisted his face. "Surprise."

With that, they were off. Into the night they went, in a car that Heisenberg had built. Out on a back road, they disappeared. Heisenberg looked over at Ethan, who was leaning up against the window like a little kid would. A small smile almost appeared on his face. He wasn't alone anymore, but what if Ethan remembered who he was? That he actually had a family, and Heisenberg wasnt his husband. That not even 40 hours before,  he was being tortured. No.. Ethan was his, and his alone. He would murder people if he had to.

He came out of his thoughts to the sound of Ethans voice. "..Karl..?" 

"Yes, Ethan? Is everything okay?"

Ethan paused, and then asked "Can I see your hat?"

He was not expecting that. He took off his hat and handed it to Ethan. He immediately put the hat on. "Hey, I bet I look better in it than you do!" The blonde started to laugh as he looked at himself in the car mirror "Look! I'm a cowboy!"  he exclaimed in a country accent. Karl also started to genuinely laugh. Ethan leaned back, taking the hat off. He turned to Karl. "How did we meet?" he asked. Heisenberg sighed. "We met at a bar. Not a gay bar, but just a bar. We hit it off right away." Ethan looked down at his hands, sighing. "I'm sorry I don't remember it..." Karl sighed and said "It's okay, it's not your fault, really." He looked back at Ethan "Don't worry, we can make new memories. Just you and me"

Ethan looked at Karl. "You promise?"


They drove for a few hours before reaching their destination. It was dawn by then, so it was a little light out. They pulled up to a mansion in a secluded area. It actually was Heisenberg's, before...Everything. "Woah!" Ethan looked out the window in amazement "We should have moved here sooner!" Karl did a deep chuckle as he climbed out of the car, which he parked in the garage. "Yeah..." He chased after Ethan, who had already went into the house. Heisenberg had come before hand and made the place presentable the day Ethan had passed out. He knew Ethan wouldn't have woken up that day or night.

Ethan turned all the way around to look at the big entryway. He turned to Karl and took his hand. "Its, amazing.." he said, smiling. Heisenberg lead the two of them upstairs, and Ethan was looking through the rooms. He paused outside the final one, which was at the end of the hall. Heisenberg walked up and pushed the door open. "Don't worry about privacy reasons, because its your bedroom too. All of your clothes are already here." In truth, he had stolen all of these clothes. None were Ethans.

"Okay." Ethan said as he slowly walked into the room. It had a big bed, nice sheets and the room was huge. It had two couches facing one another, and a coffee table in between them. It also had one wardrobe and one dresser.

Heisenberg chimed in. "Do you feel comfortable with me?"

Ethan looked back at him, a bit confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

That seemed a bit ironic to Heisenberg, considering. "Its because you don't remember us. I was making sure."

Ethan thought for a second. "I probably won't be up to doing anything...Intimate ...yet."

Karl nodded. "I know, and figured."

Little did Karl Heisenberg know...

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading. Yes, you are suppose to be confused by that last line, if you don't get what I mean by it. It doesn't mean what you think it means. Expect the second chapter soon! >:P

a fate that was never expected (Ethan Winters x Heisenburg)Where stories live. Discover now