Torture, the powerful weapon.

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Authors note: this chapter has been rewritten, so some parts may be the same, but keep reading and find out what happens next! Enjoy the newly written, non rushed chapter 2!

Memory 2

"ETHAN!" Mia cried out "Dont touch him!"

Evelyn laughed in annoyance. "Im not going to touch your precious boyfriend. Im going to play with you both for a bit."

Evelyn dissapeared as Mia ran toward Ethan, who was stuck against the wall in vomit colored goop. She ripped and pried until she had gotten Ethan free of it, him instantly coming to.

Present time

The memory consisted of what had happened at the bakers home in Louisiana, which went on for a while. It also consisted of Chris telling Ethan that Mia was alive, but not her location. Ethan tried to fight back, but couldn't. Mother Miranda was too deep into his mind.

She raised her hand off Ethans forehead, and again he screamed in pain from the huge headache that he had endured for the past... 5 hours. Memory after memory being taken from him like it was nothing.

"Why... why are you doing this? Why do those memories even matter to you?"

"Fuel in the tank. Your misery gives me power, and I will use it to bring Rose back to life, giving me my own child back."

"But she's not even yours, you bitch!"

"But she is.... she will turn into my Eva." She turned back to Ethan, reaching out to put her hand back on his head.

The torture went on for hours, but it wasn't just mental, it was physical done by Heisenburg back in his factory. Heisenburg circled around Ethan, who was bound by rustic chains that hung down from the ceiling, cutting up his wrists as he hung there. "You can't escape, Ethan Winters. Not from me, at least. Mother Miranda, on the other hand..." he trailed off
"Your going to be with me. Forever." Heisenburg tilted Ethans head up, and got real close to his face, almost to kiss him, but not quite there. "You know, ill make you into something Miranda could never even dream. You'll be with me after I kill that bitch Miranda, and you won't know which way is up, or why you even had married that ungrateful girl in the first place! Mia, was it?" Heisenburg turned around and stormed off and out of the room, leaving Ethan there to hang. He groaned and tried to pull the chains, but couldn't. He was shirtless, fresh wounds on his back from getting whipped. They seemed to heal effortlessly, but it still hurt none the less. He had no energy, and had the mindset of giving up hope, until Rose entered his mind. Rose... she will succumb to this...! She can't! Ethan wouldn't let her go! He pulls harder, trying anything to be free of his shackles.

He stops and lifts his head just enough to look around the room, seeing the surroundings and if he could try to get something to pry himself free.

But to no avail. Damn.

He can't wait around for that freak Heisenburg to come back and do God knows what to him.

He saw a blowtorch on one of the metal tables... perfect. He pushed himself to the nearby table and with his foot, knocked it off the table and pulled it over to him.

Now... how was he going to pick it up? Fuck. He started to mentally punch himself as he tried to think of ideas. He tried to pick it with him his feet, but he couldn't possibly get it high enough to even reach his hand. Ethan begins to hear footsteps and quickly kicks the torch underneath a nearby table. It was one of heisenburgs morphed human-like creatures that came into the room, and with the one hand that wasn't a saw, it tore the chains down from the wall. Ethan was soon dragged by his chains. Out of the workshop like room, only to pass out from the over exhaustion, and the fact that his back wounds were rubbing against the cold floor and reopening. Soon, that wouldn't be the only darkness that would take him.

Holy crap, thank you for 275 reads! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I'm a lot happier with this version. A lot more to come!

a fate that was never expected (Ethan Winters x Heisenburg)Where stories live. Discover now