"Sano you okay?" I questioned looking deep into his eyes. He smiled back at me.

"Now that you are here, I am". he replied.

"oi, oi go back to your class"

I looked at the direction from where the sound came from. It was Sano's tall friend who told the students watching to go back to there class.

wait they were here all along?

"when did you became so beautiful Y/N-chin?" Sano asked as he was still staring at me. If I didn't know him i would probably take wrong ideas.

"huh?" I said as the question completely took me off guard.

The tall guy, Hina and blonde haired guy made their way towards me.
I can tell they were all shock from the actions earlier.

As I watched them, the tall guy bowed down in 90° as he stated,
"Draken, it's nice to meet you and as for now I will and the whole of toman will make sure that you are protected at all cost. You are very special to both Mikey and toman and it's out duty to keep you safe."

I was left utterly confused,"Okay?"
What the hell is a toman? Am I missing something?

"This is hangaki takemichi!" Hina stated as she pointed at him.

"Nice to meet you - ah..." takemichi stated.

"It's Y/N nice to meet you all, sorry if I caused any inconvenience." I said bowing a little before standing straight.


Sano was beaming with brightness, to which Draken was more curious about Y/N and what she was exactly to Mikey.

"Mikey we are going to be late." Draken stated as he looked at sano. Who was continuing admiring Y/N.

"We should catch up later Y/N-chin, i will see you soon." Sano said as he smiled at Y/N.
Y/N returned the smile. "See you soon sano!"

Sano's soul for once felt so much happiness at once, he finally found her, his missing piece, his light and his hope in this cruel world.

Hina and i was standing outside the school, well me and Mikey will surely catch up later and Hina on the other hand wanted to apologise for the one hell of Slap that she delivered on Sano's beautiful face.

Sano you changed quite a lot, in both good and bad ways. I don't know what to think of you anymore. You are like a blurry memory that started to resurface my mind once again,

"Bye-bye. Don't Slap me in the face next time." Sano said, which I found really cute as I giggled slightly.

"Bye sano, see you soon, take care." I said. As I went in i nodded at Draken, who returned it with a smile.

"Take good care of Hina and i will take good care of my Y/N." Mikey said to takemichi.


Takemichi POV-
I Wonder what's Mikey and Y/N's relationship is, naota didn't mention anything about Y/N or Mikey being in a relationship.

So who is she?

"Uh-umm Mikey-kun, about Y/N, is she-" takemichi questioned hesitantly, as he was nervous on whether to interfere with the invincible mikey's personal life.

"Y/N-chin and I grew up together, before she had to move to another country, she is very important to me." Mikey said as he thought of it dreamily about him and Y/N before turning serious. "She means a lot to me and i will make sure she stays safe as long as I live."


Draken who was listening to all this swore in his life to protect Y/N because only she can bring Mikey out from this darkness. The darkness that is draining him out from the inside.

All his fake smiles means nothing to him.
He only wants to see his friend, Sano manjiro to be happy and if Y/N is the key then no one can stop him from showing sano manjiro the light once again.

I am so glad you are back Y/N and this time I will make you mine for life. - Sano manjiro


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By ~ Cakepetal

°•♡Big thankyou to everyone supporting this story, Love you♡•°

Sorry, for reupload the problem was that I keep spelling 'mikey' as 'mickey'

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