The Sports Festival part 3

Start from the beginning

"What a spectacular match that was." Present Mic exclaimed"The winner is Sora Seiten."

Kairi and Namine couldn't believe that Sora won. They both started to screaming happily.

"Those idiots always take it far too serious." said Kairi

"You're right, but that's the thing that makes them such great friends" Namine replied smiling

Sora's uncle Cloud Strife was watching everything on live TV, again amazed at his nephew performance. Tears of happiness went down his cheeks.

Class 1-A looked at the aftermath in awe.

"Riku was one of the strongest people in our class, and he got defeated by someone form general course?" Jiro couldn't believe what was happening." What kind of monster is that guy?"

Midoriya was muttering something to himself, Roxas was just smiling and Kaminari was thankful that Sora didn't use that power against him.

From afar a mysterious hooded figure watched the whole fight

"The Keyblade wielder is strong but not strong enough" the hooded figure said. "I see we must stimulate his progress" after that the hooded figure disappeared.

Both Sora and Riku were taken to the nurse's office to rest

"Next up is Roxas Seiten vs Xion Fukusei" the loud presenter announced "What are they gonna show us after that the two great matches before? Ready. Start."

Roxas and Xion glanced at each other

"I forfeit." Xion said shocking the viewers.

"What?" Present Mic said shocked "But why?"

"First of all I don't want to fight against Roxas" Xion said. "Second of all, I never start a fight if I have no chances of winning."

"O-ok then Roxas Seiten is the winner" announced the loud presenter less cheerful than usual.

Roxas was underwhelmed. He wanted to fight against Xion because he respected her strength. Why wouldn't she fight him? That thought loomed over Roxas for the rest of the tournament.

(Bakugo vs Kirishima still the same)

"Now it's time for the best four to battle it out." Present Mic said "First we will have Shoto Todoroki vs Sora Seiten and after that we will have Katsuku Bakugo vs Roxas Saiten. Oh, I just got the information that Sora Seiten is still unconscious after his fight with Riku Jisuberi so Todoroki wins by default."

Sora and Riku were still recovering at the nurse office. Riku because of using his quirk was now experiencing a nightmare. He was floating in a dark void when he saw him. Ansem the seeker of darkness was looking at him and smiling.

"So Riku you couldn't defeat your friend who had his powers unlocked a mere week ago" Ansem spoke. "You need to unleash the darkness"

"Shut up Ansem. I can control my darkness." Said Riku

"Oh trust me I know that. But the darkness you control is weak compared to the darkness I gave you" Ansem said in a smoothing voice "Then why not use what I gave you to prove the world that you are the strongest"

"Good one Ansem" Laughed Riku "Something like that would have worked on someone like that explosive bastard but not me. I have my friends who help stay in the light."

"But you can't hide behind your friends forever" Ansem said with a smug on his face.

"I know that." Riku answered"they will support me until I'm strong enough to conquer my darkness completely"

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