Chapter 1:The truth and Offer

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Harry pov: I walking through the forbidden forest unarmed as I walk  I begin to think of my parents, my friends, my family, and my home. I  arrived  at the spot were Voldemort and his group had Hagrid  chained up I hear him shout Harry  run forget about me I am not worth losing your life please  just run. Voldemort says so it's finally time to end this is the day Harry dies and your parents  love won't save you this time any last words Potter.  I nods look to Hagrid say with tears there is so much I  wanted to talk with you about  Hagrid my parents while they went to Hogwarts  and  many things but I  guess it's  to late please know Hagrid I am doing this  because  you are family to me and I just sorry I never told you before now goodbye Hagrid. With that Voldemort shout the killer curse all I do is glare at him. I am blasted and my life flashes before  my eyes  and I think of multiple girls that I feel I love but found this confusing as I am with Ginny. With that my world go black when I wake up I am room where everything is white I hear someone cleared their throat I turn and see a man who looks shorter than me he looks about in his mid-60s but his charcoal colored eyes show he is far older and wiser then he seems he wears a pich black cloak  that covers him head to toe. I said  your Death aren't you. He smiles  saying very good Master I see that the  potions and seals didn't fully work. I  look at him confused. He says  oh let me explain everything  then you can ask questions deal. I nod.  He says "you Harold Arthur James Potter  have been lied to and tricked. You thought that you could trust Dumbledore but in truth he was using  you he told the Dursley to have you be treated the way you did so that you would  be drawn to anyone  who  showed you an ounce of kindness. He put seals on you as well as made you drug you with loyalty potions to him and Ron  you were also given love potions so you would love Ginny  who is not who you were supposed to be with even. Dumbledore manipulated  everything  he hid things from you as well  as made it so you were weaker then you should have been, the multiple  things   he held from you were descendant from the 4 founders of Hogwarts, was heir to Hogwarts and  many  other things,  he hid as well you had more than one vault, he even with held multiple things that could have  prepared you for the fight with Voldemort. I saw what they did and fate decided to allow you a do over you are going to travel back in time to your 2nd year the day after the first week, you will be place in an alternate universe where it is the same but different you get to start over and be meshed with your alternative self. I  looked  shocked so almost everything was a lie. Death nods Dumbledore  manipulate not only you but also your love ones for that I am sorry. Now a few things you should  know those you trust can be told  of your past life and be warned there will be far more challenges you  didn't as you change this world for better you will have different  outcomes but be warned alot of  things happened in you last life wouldn't if Dumbledore didn't manipulate the out comes. You will have to wait and see young master tell who you wish  to tell they will  still care for you also  call upon me if ever  need help training or anything. I  say  wait why do you keep  calling  me  master. Death says  because you had all the qualities  of  being  my master since the day you were born and truth be told you are  the true owner of my three hollows the elder wand, the sorcerer's stone, and the invisibility cloak. So once you held them though it was at different  times. It was decided by fate  you are my master and as such when you die you will be in charge of the afterlife if you will. So I am like Hades from Greek mythology that I study for my essay back in my muggle school, I asked.   Death nods yes in a way. Anything else  before I go I ask Death shakes his head I will let you figure and do what you wish but be warned who ever you tell your secret to will not only except it also no one can get that information from them but be warned tell only those you trust now are you ready to return. I nods thanks Mr.Death he smiles  take care young master.

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