I nodded, repeating her list in my head to memorize it. From another shelf she pulled a small leather pouch attached to a cord and stuffed a dried root inside before tying the cord around my neck. "The longdan root will give you strength. Keep it close to your heart." Mama turned me to face her. "Find me what I've asked."

I swallowed my insecurities as I answered. "Yes Mama."


Arriving at the meadow was like stepping back in time. It never seemed to change no matter how many warm seasons passed. Smelling the clovers sweet scent was just what my spirit needed. I smiled to the wolf children who peered at me from the greenery. They giggled as they ran away. Gently I raked the light red tops through my fingers then stuffed them into my pack. My search for milfoil and danewort took longer than I had thought but I found both in time.

"Marcus? What are you doing?" I was surprised to see him and curious of why he was traveling from the west.

"Antonia." His eyes went wide. "I thought you went..." His words trailed off.

"Went where?"

"Um, I, I went to the cottage. I thought you'd be there."

I knew something was off with him. "I had to collect some things for Mama. Was Grandmother nice to you?"

He cocked his head to the side, "She was, pleasant. I'm sorry I should go." His eyes widened again as if he'd remembered something. He hurried past me.

"Didn't they tell you what I was doing?"

His golden eyes flickered around me. "No, I'm sorry Antonia, I have to get back."


Set out on the table was bits of dried bark from a white oak tree, osha, as well as what I'd collected today. Mama added all but the milfoil to a large iron pot. "Antonia, give me your blade." I obeyed, taking the bone handled knife from my belt and offered it to her. She placed it on the table then pulled a raven from a basket. It spread its wings but she smoothed them back cooing at black bird. When the bird calmed her hand wrapped around its neck, breaking it quickly and setting it in the pot. Mama picked up the blade and asked for my hand. I offered it knowing what would happen.

I winced at the burning as blood rose from the cut she made. Tilting my hand the blood poured on top of the bird. When enough had spilt Grandmother took the milfoil and placed it over the cut then bound it with a cloth.

Mama set the pot over the fire; covering it with a heavy lid. "Now we wait." She looked to me.


I was growing tired of waiting; as darkness settled around us I yearned to run. I'd done everything I could to occupy my mind, weave a basket with Grandmother, flesh and stretch hides meant for clothes, and carve new arrows. Mama asked me to stay until I got answers; I'd been quick to please her, now I knew the error in it. I had no idea how long I'd have to wait. Even worse the clouds had rolled in, black and green.


I stepped outside after they'd fallen asleep. The rain had already begun to fall only aiding in covering my footfalls. I wondered; if Papa were still alive, would we be watching it together? Fire divided the sky in a blazing strike casting a bright glow for a moment. The crashing of the clouds sounded like giant had entered our lands. As the wind became stronger the rain fell down harder whipping under the covering and spraying my face. The cold had me pulling the heavy fur higher on my shoulders and moving back to remain dry. I closed my eyes as tears formed but they still managed to escape and slide down my cheeks. They seemed hot compared to the rain.

The forest moaned as a hard gust blew through; my hair swept about. This storm was truly wild, with fire and trembling I thought the earth may break open and swallow us all. I lay down and watched the black sky light up again. Lady Moon was nowhere to be seen tonight. Papa used to tell me that the rain was Lady Moon's tears that she cried for her lost love. His stories used to enthrall both Marcus and I. "I miss you Papa." I wiped my cheek as a fresh tear slipped away.

As I unbound the cloth from my hand the milfoil fell to the wood, the small white clusters of flowers were tainted with my blood. I winced as I grazed a finger across the cut; the torn skin was still tender. Mama said it would be healed after a few suns had passed. I looked back at the cottage then the woods. I wondered if I could make my way into the wolf village undetected. I doubted I'd be found on a night like tonight... That is, if I can make it there unscathed. As I stood fire fell from the sky and struck a nearby tree.

The sound that followed was so loud I had to cover my ears. I watched in terror as the tree split and fell bringing others down with it. Flames rose from the pile but quickly turned to smoke as the rain poured down on them. The door behind me opened and I turned to see Mama covering her mouth with her hand.

"What are you doing out here! Even wild animals know to take shelter from this storm!" She grasped my arm and pulled me inside.


Mama woke me in the morning. "The potion is ready." She whispered. I jumped down from the loft earning myself a glare from both my elders.

"Sit." Grandmother ordered.

I watched as they removed the lid from the pot. Green, pink, white and lastly black smoke rose until the colors swirled together. I felt faint as my lungs filled with the essence, a bitterness rested in the back of my throat. It was no better when I swallowed the decoction offered to me.

After Mama took her drink she said. "We're linked to you now for a short time. We'll be able to see from your mind but you must focus to show us what we need."

Through my mind's eye images surfaced, heavy blankets of snow, me breaking the ice to get to the river water, the first bud of the warm season opening. Then the darkness of my first dream walk into a dying wolf man's mind; his fear still present as he knew I was the last face he'd see. That day had always haunted me.

"Antonia, focus on what we need." Grandmother's voice seemed so far away.

I tried but my memory jumped to Marcus' warm smile. I felt the heat creep up my neck as I rushed on to when I'd first awoken in the tree. As we went through the memory, a woman appeared. I watched as her long flowing night sky hair swept the earth with each step. Her eyes were wild and cold as she looked back at me. I watched the woman travel the forest, bath in the river, and talk to the animals and flora before it ended.

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