Chapter 10

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            Marcus and I shared a confused look before turning back to my elders. Surely I heard wrong.  "Marcus?"

            "Yes." Mama said.

            "How?" He asked.

            I couldn't even think about that right now all I could think about was the lies. So many lies from everyone I loved. Even worse, I'd been a party to the lies. I felt betrayal so deeply that my heart hurt. I fought back the tears that were threatening to spill down my cheeks. My throat tightened as I forced my lungs to take a deep breath.  I tried to build a reserve in my head to keep myself from lashing out but thoughts continued to assault me. They knew! What else have they kept from me?

            "I thought if we didn't tell you, that it would change." Mama spoke softly.

            I snapped. "You tried to change my future!"

            "Sit down, Antonia." Grandmother scolded.

            "And you," I turned on her. "I can't believe you would keep this from me."

            "Antonia," Marcus' voice was gentle. "What choice did they have?"

            "Did you know?" I asked him.

            "Of Course not."

            Fool. Of course he didn't know. "They could have told me." I said between clenched teeth.

            He cupped my chin. "This doesn't change anything. The pack still won't allow it."

            "How can they disapprove?" I whispered. "The fates have given us permission."

            He shook his head and rubbed his face.

            "Don't you see now?" Mama pleaded. "If you would just come to the village with me-"

            "How dare you!" I shouted. "You've been a ghost for two years! Two years! And, and now you just..." I sputtered. "How could you do this?"  I'd had enough. My head was swimming with thoughts; I turned knocking the chair to the floor then ran out the door.

            Not caring were I ended up I ran blindly only changing direction when my heart told me to. Limbs grabbed at my body, slowing me down. I pushed on harder, ignoring the pain as a thorn clad vine cut into my arm. I couldn't hear Marcus following but that didn't guarantee my isolation. I ran faster until I thought my legs might collapse under me. The rain that had been pounding the canopy above ceased shortly after I stopped. Supporting my weight against a sapling I slid down slowly, the cold of the earth seeping into my skin.

            I closed my eyes allowing my ragged breath to slow until it was steady once more. Still refusing to give in I held back the waiting tears. Running had taken most of my anger all I had left was confusion and hurt.  


            Long before I could hear him I felt his presence. It was in the earth, a soft flutter against my skin. With my eyes closed I probed further. His footfalls were even, each leaving a small indention from his weight on the moist ground. I held my breath and willed my heart to slow to an almost nonexistent beat.  Two more steps. I inhaled. He was moving with the breeze his scent carried to me. Slowly I opened my eyes, surprised to find how dark it had become. I must have been sitting much longer than I'd thought.

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