Chapter 6

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I'm not sure what awoke me. It could have been the rough bark leaving impressions on my skin; making me its twin. Or the chit chit sound the birds were making. Or the Sun, blazing down on me. I think it was the Sun.

I awoke dripping with sweat. For a moment I thought it had rained until the salty bead slid between my lips. The light felt as if an ember had blown into my eyes and seared the inside of my skull. I squeezed my eyes shut, slowly sitting up only to find I wasn't sure which way was up.

My heart raced; the pounding working its way up my chest into my temples and behind my eyes. I feel as if energy has been drained out of me. Slowly I open my eyes, slits at first then wider. Where I had been lying, growth had sprouted with fresh green leaves; I found it peculiar. I'd never used my magic while asleep except for dream walking of course.

I pulled my bow from the crook of two limbs; sliding it over my head then hung from the bough. My feet scraped the bark and I dropped unsteady onto the lower limb. I stayed crouched as the dizziness came over me again. When it passed I hurried down; limb after limb until I dropped to the ground on my hands and knees.

Where my skin touched the earth, seedlings sprouted, shoots that grew between my fingers, twisting over my wrists and winding up my arms. I felt the magic leaving my body but I couldn't stop it. My energy was being taken. I trembled but couldn't move from the spot. As the soft sweep of paws and the sound of claws cutting the earth entered my ears my trembling stopped. The connection broke and I rolled to my side panting.

I let my head fall to the side where I could see the gray wolf sit just a few paces from me. My eyes drooped closed, my head still throbbing; I barely noticed when she settled along my side.


It was past midday when I awoke again. The gray wolf was still keeping watch over me but had moved to sit near my head. She turned to me as I gingerly sat up; I felt exhausted but whole as I stood. The ache spread throughout me but I pressed on anyway. I arrived at the lake much slower than I would have normally. The water had warmed since that night I'd brought Marcus here but I still shivered upon first entering.

When I looked back the gray wolf was no longer there, I scanned the forest but she was gone. I relaxed into the water letting myself go weightless in its embrace. In the bright sunlight I could see into the shallow depths. Little minnows darted around my ankles, searching the lake floor for food.

I pulled myself partway onto a boulder that jutted from the water. The air was cool on my bare skin but warmed quickly with the Sun's rays. I stared off at the water, squinting my eyes against the glare.

Deer came to drink and I remained completely still. The stag's ears twitched and his tail flickered before he lowered his head to drink. Rings formed growing larger and larger until they broke on my rock. The doe, tawny in color stepped forward, her long neck dipped. Spotted pelts on unsteady legs wobbled between the two adults. My eyes connected with one of the fawns. It tilted its head then turned back to nurse from its mother. Just as quietly as they came they left as if they were ghosts of the forest.

Sliding from my perch I made my way to the bank were my clothes were left; wringing the water from my hair before dressing.


I turned slowly to the familiar voice. "Mama."

She walked toward me, a woven basket grasped in her hands. I hadn't thought she'd come here. "Did you come looking for me?"

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