Recovery - Chapter 18

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Deku's Pov

I woke up to a blindingly bright light and a clean, white room. Hospital? I looked around, getting my bearings. I saw more beds beside me, some holding other UA students. I saw Shinso laying in a bed and started freaking out. I ripped the IV out of my arm and the chest nodes off of my chest, causing the heart monitor to flat line. I ran towards Shinso, stopping beside him. I checked his pulse. Strong. I scanned his bodies for any injuries and didn't see anything except a couple of scratches and bruises. I looked questioningly at the boy in front of me and noticed his eyes were open. Doctors burst into the room and immediately looked towards my bed. Confusion flashed across their faces until they saw me standing on the other side of the room. The doctors sighed and then left. I looked to Shinso, who had grabbed my hand. "What are you doing in a hospital bed? You don't seem injured." I asked. He sat up and pulled me into a hug before answering. "I was waiting for you to wake up. I wouldn't leave so they just gave me a bed in the same room as you." He chuckled a little before continuing. "They even got security at one point, but I just brainwashed them into leaving me alone. The doctors finally gave up after that." I laughed at him, then looked around again. In the bed on the opposite side of the room, Dad laid unconscious. I turned back to look at Shinso, about to ask a bunch of questions when he spoke. "He's stable. Luckily, there was no permanent damage, but he did get a scar. You had a broken spine that they were able to fix and a few broken ribs that need a little time to heal." As he said that, he gently started pushing me towards my bed. "So, get some rest. You've been out for 3 days, and Dad hasn't woken up yet." I looked at Shinso, which was a little hard to do since I was now laying on my bed. "Where's Papa? And how long are my ribs gonna take to heal?" Shinso sighed. "Papa got kicked out when visiting hours ended. He's probably at home, sleeping. It is 3 o'clock in the morning, after all." For the first time since I woke up, I looked at the clock. It read 2:56. I grimaced at waking Shinso up so early. "The doctors used their quirks to set your ribs in the correct place, so a trip to Recovery Girl and you should be fine." I sighed in relief, then tuned to look at dad. "Hopefully, he can recover just as quickly." Shinso nodded, agreeing with my statement. "How much do you wanna bet that as soon as school starts he's gonna go back to teaching?" Shinso asked, looking at me expectantly. "I bet you 50 bucks that he's gonna do exactly that." I said. He sighed. "I'm gonna lose this bet."

Bakugo's Pov

My anxiety was through the roof. Deku had gotten pretty beat up during his fight with the bird-like creature. I knew he would survive, but it didn't stop me from worrying. The nomu had taken down Aizawa, who has a quirk to erase other's quirks, but a quirkless person still tried to beat him. He could've died. That was so dangerous. I paced around my room. It had been 3 days since the USJ attack. Hypno promised to call me as soon as he woke up, so I'm guessing he hadn't woken up yet. My phone started ringing suddenly and I jumped. I dove for my phone, flying across the room. I picked up on the second ring, not even checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I greeted, hoping it was the call I thought it was. Hypno's voice came from the other side of the phone and I sighed in relief. "He's up," was all he said before he hung up. I grabbed the first pair of clothes I could find and left the house.

Deku's Pov

I attempt to sit up, only to wince in pain. The adrenaline and anesthetic had worn of and my ribs hurt a lot. Shinso had left the room for a few seconds and he was staring at me from his bed, laughing. I glared at him and tried to sit up again. He laughed even harder when I winced again, but I got myself into a seated position. I looked at him triumphantly. Suddenly, the door burst open, making me jump and groan in pain. At the door stood Kacchan, panting from running. I smiled at him and he looked at me. "Fucking Deku, your ribs are still broken. Lay down." He said, walking over to me and pushing on my shoulders. I winced, and Shinso died. He was laughing so hard that he was bent over and crying. "What's with Hypno?" Kacchan asked. "He hasn't had much sleep..." Kacchan looked at me, then to Shinso. "Staying up worrying about both of you?" He guessed. I nodded and his expression turned to one of pity. "At least no one on our side died." I looked up to him to find his pity-filled gaze on me. I didn't miss the 'on our side.' I turned my head away and tried to hide my smile. I let the smile fall from my face and turned to Kacchan. "On our side?" I asked. Kacchan looked surprised, like he hadn't meant to say that. He cleared his throat and said, "The villains in the flood zone died. All of them. The police think they were electrocuted, but Kaminari swears he was in the mountain zone." He winced as he said the next part. "The only people that were in the zone were Mineta, Asui, and... you." I did my best to look distraught, but a malicious smile found it's way across my face.


996 words

Yay, early update. Sorry guys, I know I usually update on Friday, but I'll be on a plane tomorrow and probably won't have time. To make up for this, I'll try to update after I get to where I am going.

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