Coming out again

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K- I'm coming out again

G- as straight?

K- no. I'm a lesbian now

M- congrats Kieran

B- I'm so proud of you bebes

N- what made you become lesbian?

K- there's this girl that I like

N- what's her name?

K- I don't feel comfortable saying who

B- it's ok

G- Kieran can we talk?

K- yea

Gavin and I walk away from the others.

K- what's up?

G- are you actually serious about being a lesbian?

K- yea

G- what about us? What did I do to make you CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY!

K- ok stop yelling

G- NO, what did I do?

Maddie walks over to us. She places her hand on my ass so Gavin couldn't see.

M- what's going on?

G- Maddie just go away

M- no. Learn how to respect more women

G- I'm just upset that Kieran is lesbian

K- why do you care Gavin?

G- this means your not interested in me anymore

K- Maddie please excuse us

M- ok

Maddie leaves.

K- Gavin I like you, just as a friend. I'm not only not interested in you I'm not interested in other guys. You don't hav to worry about me liking other guys. I'm sorry but I'm just not interested in guys anymore

I walk away before he could say anymore while I started tearing up. Maddie comes up to me.

M- are you ok?

K- I feel bad that I'm not into in Gavin anymore. Pretty sure I broke his heart

M- some couples don't work out. Can I ask you a question?

K- yea

M- am I the reason that your lesbian?

K- kinda but I'm also fed up with all the stupid boy shit

M- I feel you

K- you could if you wanted*mumbled*

M- what?

K- nothing

M- I heard you

K- shit. So now you know that I would let you feel me

M- now I do

Maddie laughed.

K- oh my god. I'm so dumb

M- your so cute

K- thanks

We walk back to the chairs where everyone is talking.

L- Kieran I hungry

K- what do you want?

L- bananas

K- ok let's go

M- I'll come with

We walk to the kitchen. I take out the bananas and cut up one. Maddie comes up from behind me, hugs my waist and puts her head on my shoulder.

K- hey

M- hey

K- Maddie?

M- yea

K- do you still like Hunter and I ?

M- yea

K- I don't wanna assume or tell you your sexuality but your bi

M- what?

K- your bi

M- I am?!

K- yea

M- oh well thanks for telling me. I guess I always knew but I didn't wanna admit it

K- it's ok. I went through the same thing

M- oh ok

Maddie kisses my neck. I accidentally moan.

M- shhh Lexi is right there

K- sorry, it just came out

L- are you almost done with my bananas?

K- yes

L- ok

She puts her headphones back on and watch YouTube.

M- we can have fun later

K- ok

I finish cutting up her bananas, put them in a bowl and give them to her.

L- thank you

K- of course

Maddie pulls me into a kiss. I put my leg up and she holds it up. We go upstairs to her room
and lock the door.

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