Finding out

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It's Monday night. My dad gets home from a bad day at work. He screams at us to come to the living room.


Lexi and I run downstairs. I have Lexi go behind me just in case my dad tries to do anything.

(L- Lexi)
(D- dad)
(M- Maddie (me)

L- hi daddy

D- so we're moving again

M- didn't we just move 7 months ago?

D- did you just talk back to me

M- yes

L- Maddie just shh

M- I have a question

D- what?

M- since mom died wh-

I felt a strong hand lift me up from my throat. My feet weren't on the ground. I was struggling to breathe. My dad let go after a few seconds.

D- don't mention your mother

M- I'm sorry

D- good, now we're leaving tomorrow so get ready. Maddie I need you to help Lexi with the heavy stuff

M- permission to speak?

D- go ahead

M- I'll help Lexi but where are we moving?

D- we're moving to Wilmington, Delaware; where you both will be transferred to Tatnall. The Biden's live in Wilmington so we'll be seeing them again

M- ok thank you dad

D- now go upstairs and start packing. We're leaving tomorrow at 8:30 to get our flight at 11:45. Maddie, I expect you to be on your best behavior or you know what will happen

M- yes dad

D- now go and get packing

L- ok, bye daddy

D- bye sweetie

Lexi and I go back upstairs. I have her go ahead so that my dad doesn't hurt her. He isn't that crazy but when we talk back and do something that makes him upset that's when he abuses us. The only person that knows about it is Nat, I feel like she's the only one I can trust. I go into Lexi's room and start helping her pack her heavy stuff or things she needs help with like blankets, toys, pillows, etc.

L- Maddie, are you ok?

M- yea, why wouldn't I be?

L- I see little marks on your neck and it seemed like daddy hurt you badly

M- Lex you don't have to worry about me when it comes to daddy. I'll be ok, I'm just here to protect you from him *i whispered*

L- ok, if you say so

Lexi and I continue to finish packing her room. Lexi, my dad and I pack the living room, kitchen, movie room, bathrooms, my dad's room, etc. When we were done with that I packed up my room and bathroom. When I was done I helped Lexi change into her pj's and brush her teeth. After I tucked Lexi in for bed. Before I left I heard a little voice coming out of nowhere. I saw that Lexi was talking to me. I sat on her bed and we started whispering.

L- Maddie?

M- yes Lex?

L- do you wike Hunter?

M- Hunter Biden, our friend?

L- yes

M- um, why do you think I like him?

Hunter was hot, but he would always act like he hated me and I still don't know why. It was kinda a turn off but I was still a little turned on my him.

L- when we used to see the Biden's all the time before mom died you two were best friends and I would see you blush around him

M- oh no, I don't like Hunter

L- are you sure?

M- yes Lex, Hunter and I are just friends and I'll prove it to you when we see the Biden's this week. Ok?

L- ok. Good night Maddie, I love you

M- I love you too

I kiss her head, leave and close her door. When I walk out I see my dad outside of my door(my bedroom is right across from Lexi's).

M- hi dad

D- what were you doing in there?

M- I was helping Lexi get ready for bed

D- why did it take you 10 minutes? And I heard talking

M- Lexi asked me a question as well

D- what did she ask?

M- she asked me if I liked Hunter

D- Hunter Biden?

M- yes but I said that him and I were just friends

D- good, I'd like it to stay that way

M- it will. If you want me to stay far away from him I will

D- Maddie respect your friends

M- but we're not friends and he hates me for some reason

My dad got upset after I said we weren't friends. He punched me in me stomach while I screamed. He punched me again since I could've woken up my sister. I feel to the ground. He had a knife in his hand. He picked my head up and help the knife close to my head.

D- if you ever talk bad about friends, I'll kill you

M- yes dad

D- now go to bed and get up early for tomorrow. I want Lexi ready by 8:20

M- yes dad

As I was walking away he took his knife and put a cut in my arm. I kept walking into my rooms I closed and locked it. I started crying. I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the huge cut on my arm, my bruises from when he grabbed my neck and the marks on my stomach. I changed and went to bed.

Dear Hunter, Love MaddieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin