What is going on?

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A cough ripped through my throat causing my chest to spasm in pain. I whimpered and grabbed my head, hoping to seize the pounding headache. I lay on my side and squeezed my legs unconsciously. My feet pressed together and slowly moved against each other. My entire body was tensed as I coughed again while the pain in my chest rang. I was so uncomfortable, I was sweating and weak.

"Gandalf!" A loud voice yelled.

I flinched as I heard the voice right next to me. A couple other pairs of feet pounded in as I lay there withering in pain.


"Is she going to be alright?"

"What is wrong with her?"

"Oh my Mahal, is it a girl or a boy?"

"It is a boy, clearly; he has short hair."

"What, Fili? You can barely see the face!"

"It is a girl. She's feminine."

"No it is not. He's a boy."

"Get out of my way, fools." A deep gruff voice commands. I hear the footsteps of that person coming near me, "Open your eyes, child."

A large calloused hand was placed on my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes to an old wrinkled face but it was yet somehow familiar to me. The old man furrowed his eyebrows and eyed my face, "Ah, I am glad to see you are awake..." He mumbles. I suddenly feel a cough coming on, I put a hand against the old man's chest and push him away before leaning over and resumed a coughing fit. The old man was sat back on his bottom with a concerned look on his face, "My dear child, what is the matter?" He asks and puts a hand on my back as I choke on my cough.

"I-I dunno..." I mumble.

My voice startled the people around me. I watched them out the corner of my eyes as the pain in my body subsided some. I quickly become aware of the old man's hand on my back, I stand up but twirl around while doing so and slap his hand away from me. He looks a bit startled.

I gaze at the people around me and notice that they're all children. What was this guy running a strange child slavery ring? I furrow my eyebrows as I look closely at them. Were they midgets? They had beards and clothes and everything. They looked like grown men, just smaller.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask and cross my arms. I now noticed that I wasn't in the same clearing. The trees were more spacious and just over the hill a little bit before was rolling hills. Was I kidnapped while I was sleeping?

They looked a little a taken back.

"You are in the forest... right outside of the shire." The old man says as he stands up while putting his hat back on.

I take a couple steps back, "Shire?" I ask.

"Yes, the land of Hobbits." The old man informs.

I nod my head slowly and peer around me, noticing the tall thick trees, little tan colored trees and high tree tops. The lush green grass grew below me was nice and soft on my feet. Wait, my feet? My eyes snap around in search of my boots. They were positioned beside a tree with my socks nicely folded beside them. When did I do that?

"Who are you?" A deep cold voice asks from behind me.

I whirl around to see another short man with his hands resting on his belt as he stood there with a natural scowl on his face.

I furrow my eye brows, "Whose askin'?"

"Thorin; the king under the mountain." Another short guy walks up to stand beside him. I could tell he was referring to the man next to him.

Wait, king under the mountain? Where have I heard before?

"My name is P." I say simply and cross my arms, "Who're you?"

Thorin furrows his eyebrows, "P?" He asks, "That is not your real name."

"Excuse me?" I ask in a sassy tone, making Thorin raise his chin some as if getting ready to retort.

"You are quite-" Thorin was cut by the Old man.

"Let us not upset the young woman." The old man comes around to stand next to Thorin, "My name is Gandalf." He says warmly and puts a hand on my shoulder. I found myself not wanting to push him away but I did anyway out of shock.

"Hand off, brah." I say with my hands still up, ready to fight, "Who the hell are you guys and what in the fuck do you want?" I holler.

The group around me looks a bit shocked, except Thorin who smirks some. Gandalf gave me a calculating look, "I am Gandalf the grey and this is The Company."

"The company?" I ask, "What are you guys? You are all freakishly short." I say rudely.

A suddenly uproar starts with short guys around me as they spewed meaningless insults at me that I couldn't tell if I should be offended or just dart away but one thing was for sure, I wasn't intimidated. I started to holler back at them loudly and angrily while Thorin and Gandalf watched. Things got even worse when violent insults were thrown as we threatened to beat the snot out of each other.

"Enough!" Gandalf bellowed at all of us.

I turned around and glared at him, "Stop yelling! At this point you're being louder than the rest of us!"

Gandalf looked a bit shocked.

I guess people don't have the balls to stand up to him...

"Who are you?" Thorin asked again.

I switched my glare to him, "Listen here Richard, You didn't have the decency to introduce your-" I suddenly started coughing again. Painful noises ripped through me as my knees gave out and I collapsed onto the ground. Dwarves gathered around in worry. I felt something coming up from my throat and I heaved it out into my hand.

My eyes widened when I spotted what it was...


My mom had this happen... Cancer?

"You need elven medical attention." Gandalf's wise voice says from beside me.

"What is going on?" I mumbled to myself.

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