After a few minutes of alone time to myself I finish eating and clean up then head upstairs to shower and get myself together. I finish and change throwing up my hair up in a messy bun then make my way downstairs. "Hey you two look its mommy." I hear my husband say as I walk into the living room where he was playing with our daughter autumn and rocking our daughter dahalia. "Mummy." Autumn says smiling and runs to me. "Hi darling. You behaving and helping daddy?" I ask picking her up and smile. "Yes Mummy." She says happily as my husband stands up and holds me while our infant daughter sleeps in her rocker. "You feeling better now love?" He asks me as he holds my waist. "Much. I just need some time to get myself together." I say looking at him with a smile. "Good. I like seeing all my girls happy." He say softly kissing me. I smile and kiss back holding onto autumn. Autumn pulls my face away from her father and shakes her head. "No Mummy. Ewwwww." She says shaking her head causing my husband and I to laugh. "What I can't kiss daddy?" I ask looking at her. "No." She says holding onto her father claiming him like she owns him. "Baby girl listen to me mommy and I love each other. I love you and your sister the same but we need to share." James says holding her. "Otay daddy." She says nodding and holds him. "So is it okay if I kiss mommy?" He asks her. "Yes daddy." She says nodding. I watch him and laugh looking at her watching the interaction with her father. "Your silly princess." I say kissing her head gently. Autumn giggles and squirms wiggling in his grip causing him to set her down on the floor. I look at her and watch her run around trying to not squeal. "How bout we put on your jumper and you and I go play some football (American soccer) princess." James says kneeling down and stops her in her track. "Otay daddy." She says smiling and goes with him to get her jumper on and then head outside to play leaving me and our other daughter alone inside. "Well baby girl looks like its just you and me right now." I say looking over at her as she sleeps and smile grabbing a book to read having time to myself to ready.

Thirty minutes go by and Dahalia wakes up from her first nap of the day and wines getting hungry. "Okay love lets get you fed." I say picking her up and unhook my nursing bra and my nursing tank top and start to breast feed her. Dahalia latches and starts to suck eating and moves her hands. I smile and feed her hearing my husband and daughter come in and look over my shoulder. "Hey guys how was it out there?" I ask smiling. "It was great. Autumn and I had a great time. How has it been in here?" My husband asks walking over to hang up their coats and then takes off Autumn's shoes. "Its been fine. This little one woke up from her nap hungry so she is eating right now." I say as my daughter autumn walks with her father and sits in his lap watching me feed her sister. "Wanna watch some tv princess?" He asks our daughter. "Yes daddy." She says smiling up at him. James smiles and turns on the tv and puts on one of Autumn's favorite tv shows while I continue to breastfeed Dahalia and focus on her. Autumn sits watches her tv show and snuggles into her father holding his hand. I look over at her and smile as I still feed Dahalia. "She's hungry today." James says looking over at his daughter. "I know its like she didn't eat breakfast this morning." I say laughing as Dahalia pulls away finally finishing. "Oh look she's done." He says smiling. "She is. Was lunch good for you." I say burping her. James smiles and fixes my nursing bra and nursing tank top as I burp our daughter. Autumn still sits on her fathers lap watching her tv show and snuggles into him more. I smile and finish burping Dahalia and then lay her in her rocker freeing up my hands and stand to head to the kitchen. "Where you going love?" My husband asks. "I'm going to take care of making lunch and to put the ice pads on my breast because they are sore." I say from the kitchen. "Want help?" He asks me. "I'm good love. Besides you have a two year on your lap who needs attention." I say giggling and take care of my breast and then make lunch. "Mummy I tiward." I hear my daughter say. "I know baby girl but how bout you eat a bit of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich then you can go to sleep." I say cutting her sandwich in half and give her some. She takes it and eats part of it standing next to me and then yawns looking up at me. "Okay princess lets put you down for your nap." My husband says setting her sandwich on the counter and picks her up taking her to her room. I smile and put her sandwich in a container then go and put Dahalia in her crib upstairs letting both kids sleep then make my way downstairs to finish making lunch for my husband and I. "So both kids are asleep. That never happens to us." I hear my husband say as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him gently. "It doesn't. Hopefully both girls will sleep for a bit giving us two some well deserved alone time." I say finishing making our lunch. "Agreed." He says moving my hair off my shoulders and kisses my neck and shoulder gently. "Mmmmm first eat your lunch then you can have desert later." I say setting my hands on the counter and smile closing my eyes enjoying the feeling. "Mmmmm but lovey I want desert before my lunch." He says still kissing my neck gently. "Mmmm baby please don't leave any marks on me. Our daughter will be asking questions. Plus I'm out of foundation to cover up the marks." I say running my hand through his hair. "I don't know why you cover them up. They are for people to see and for them to know that you are mine. Lets have a bit of fun love." He says turning me to face him and kisses me. I kiss him back roughly and wrap my arms around his neck and move closer to him.

James Phelps love storyWhere stories live. Discover now