Too pretty to be a boy.. hm p1

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Felix hid his face in his hands and started to take deep breaths, "you're such a weird bully..." Felix said uncovering his face and pointing Hyunjin out the curtain.

"Get out before I do something like that" Felix said blushing hardly, Hyunjin chuckled "don't get too excited now little pretty boy" Hyunjin said patting his back and leaving the room.

Felix's heart was pounding terribly fast, Felix tried to calm down, "he tripped me, almost slapped me, and groped me, this guy is unbelievable, I'll have to do the same then aha!" Felix said walking out of the nurses office.

Felix got his things out if his locker and walked home, he got home jumped on his bed and thought about what happened "he's just teasing me it's whatever" Felix mumbled.

Next day and Felix didn't see Hyunjin in class, Felix was relieved but he also wanted to get back at him for what he did.

Hyunjin opened the classroom door and smirked seeing Felix's eyes widen, Felix immediately took a deep breath and prepared himself.

Hyunjin plopped down behind Felix, Hyunjin started to play with Felix's hair and tugged on it "brats need to be disciplined" Hyunjin said pulling Felix's hair hardly.

Felix flinched and grabbed Hyunjins hand trying to make him let go but he wouldn't budge "h-hey! cut it out weirdo!" Felix said trying not get flustered.

"You like that don't you and aww look at your tiny hands haha, too bad you're weak but I'll be nice" Hyunjin said letting go of Felix's hair.

Felix got up and asked to use the bathroom, Hyunjin followed after him and saw which stall he was in.

Felix started crying a bit trying to let out his frustrations, Felix finally stopped after 10 minutes of a mental break down.

Felix heard a knock on his stall and hesitated to open it but he did, and there Hyunjin was with an annoyed look.

Felix tried to shut the door but Hyunjin caught it, Hyunjin sighed and pushed himself in the stall and shut the door behind him.

"How pathetic, you're really just a cry baby" Hyunjin said pushing Felix agaisnt the wall and making him flinch.

Felix pushed Hyunjin but he barely moved "just leave me alone I just want to be by myself" Felix said looking away from Hyunjin.

"Who said you had permission to talk back? You're too bold for such a low life" Hyunjin said twirling Felix's hair around his finger.

"Stop it! I'm not playing your games anymore freaking weirdo.." Felix said looking Hyunjin in the eye "ever since I saw you I knew you were just a good for nothing" Hyunjin said making Felix more sad.

"Enough if you don't stop I'll do something!" Felix said seriously, Hyunjin laughed "hahaha really? I doubt such a low life-" Felix suddenly pressed his lips agaisnt Hyunjin's and then ran underneath his legs and unlocked the stall running away even faster.

Hyunjin stood there in shock, it wasn't his first kiss but he just couldn't believe Felix did that, Hyunjin couldn't think anymore everything was just blank.

Felix ran to class and acted like nothing happend while walking in, 20 minutes passed and Hyunjin walked in with headphones on.

Hyunjin sat down behind Felix and started to take a nap, Hyunjin didn't know what to think anymore so he just slept.

Felix was confused on why he was just sleeping, Felix thought that it was because it was Hyunjin's first kiss "that's what he gets for messing with me" Felix thought to himself.

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