Too pretty to be a boy.. hm

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Felix is a Australian exchange student and hyunjin is the bad boy who catches feelings for Felix cause he's being too pretty and nice, he starts to get feelings for him after trying to bully him but ends up wanting to protect him instead, but if you know my original account all of my story's have twists 😉 let the story begin.

"You're gonna love it here Felix there's also basketball and other activities if you'd like to join any by chance, if you have any questions just ask me" Mr Kim aka the principal said with a smile.

"Oh ok thank you, I'll think about those, I should get to my class now, I'm afraid I might miss too much of this lesson" Felix said with a cute little smile.

"Your class is just up the stairs to the right" Mr Kim said pointing down the hall, Felix nodded and walked down the hall following his directions.

Felix got up to the class and knocked on the classroom door, the teacher Mrs Chu opened the door and welcomed Felix in the class.

There Hyunjin was, in the back of the class with his headphones in and not paying any attention, just staring out the glass of the classroom with a bored look.

Hyunjin caught Felix's eye, "o-oh hi everyone I'm Felix and I'm from Australia I'll try my best to do things the way you guys do yours here in korea" Felix says awkward but excitedly.

"Okay! Felix you can take a seat in front of mister Hyunjin" Mrs Chu pointed at the back of the class in the corner, "oh okay.." Felix said and started walking to the back of the class.

Hyunjin was just listening to loud music and watching the leaves fall off the tree from the nice breeze of wind, Hyunjin sighed and finally looked in front if him expecting the board but saw somebody sitting in front of him instead.

It was a chocolate brown haired, fragile looking kid "wtf is this, this person is very bold" Hyunjin thought to himself.

Hyunjin took off his headphones and tapped Felix's shoulder, as soon as Felix turned around Hyunjin pulled him by his collar and as soon as Hyunjin was about to slap Felix he stopped himself.

Hyunjin stared into Felix's starry soft eyes, Felix's face flushed and he took Hyunjin's hand off turning back to the lesson.

Hyunjin couldn't stop thinking about how pretty Felix is, how soft his facial features look and how cute he looks.

Hyunjin shook his head, "bullshit he's just a new student, we haven't had one in a while that's why" Hyunjin thought to himself.

Next class it was P.E., Felix had all classes with Hyunjin, Felix changed into his p.e. uniform and took a deep breath then started stretching.

The p.e. teacher said they were playing basketball since Felix might want to join, Hyunjin took off his jacket and tossed it to the side getting in formation agaisnt Felix's team.

Felix didn't know why but he felt under pressure, *beep* whistle goes off and they start playing, everyone's playing and Felix gets the ball.

Felix dribbles and is making his way to the other teams basket, suddenly he fell on his face somehow.

Felix looked up and saw Hyunjin standing right above him "oops, I didn't mean to trip you foreigner haha" Hyunjin said chuckling.

Felix felt something spill out of his nose and it was blood, Felix held his hand over his nose "why did you do that.." Felix asked tearing up.

Hyunjin smirked and got down on one knee then held Felix up by his chin, "you're just a little pretty boy who just wants a beating huh? Haha don't question me, pathetic dog" Hyunjin said letting go of his chin aggressively.

Felix trembled and got up limping to the nurses office, Hyunjin got yelled at by the p.e. teacher and got sent to the principals office but he didn't go.

Felix sat on the bed and thanked the nurse for wrapping his ankle, Felix kept some tissue in his nose trying not to flinch from its sting.

Felix thought about why Hyunjin would do that to him, he doesn't even know me, I did nothing wrong and he even tried to hit me in class, even stared at me weirdo" Felix thought.

Hyunjin laughed at it and told his friends, making fun of Felix, "haha he's only good for looks hahaha" one of Hyunjin's friend said "yea he's got cute freckles too, such a sissy" someone else said.

Felix was sleeping in the nurses bed just fine until he his butt getting slightly poked at and turned up with wide eyes, there was Hyunjin right beside Felix with a harmful smirk.

"Say a word and you're dead pretty boy" Hyunjin said leading his finger up Felix's back making Felix flinch, Felix took a deep breath and kept calm.

Hyunjin leaned closer to Felix's body, Hyunjin gently groped Felix's butt "hey-" Hyunjin covered Felix's mouth "the nurse is just on the other side of the curtain, just let me touch you okay?" Hyunjin said making Felix blush.

Felix nodded and Hyunjin kept groping it but more aggressively, Hyunjin stuck his fingers in Felix's mouth having him suck on them.

"It feels weirdly good, I kinda like it..." Felix thought to himself, Hyunjin stopped and sighed "such a slut" into Felix's ear.

HYUNLIX SMUT heheDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora