ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

Start from the beginning

"I want your smiles," I hear Ban say. "I want your laughs, your tears, your insecurities, your love." This time when I find myself in his arms again, I stare at him with a dumbfounded expression from behind my white lilies. "I want everything, (Y/n). I want you."

And with that being said, something beautiful erupts within me as the Sin of Greed crashes his lips against mine and devours me whole.


All the mockeries, all the ridicules, and all the pain and suffering I have been through my entire life were worth it because I met the love of my life in the end. Keeping out people is what I've always been good at, but those walls I used to protect myself with started to crack when I found my eldest brother, and then they were reduced to pieces when I first spoke to the Sin of Greed. Everything about me has changed because of Ban, and I'm truly grateful for it.

"Get some sleep," Ban grumbles, his eyelids still shut, arm still protectively slung over my waist.

"Trying to," I grumble back as I slightly shift around on the bed. Ban grunts at this and seconds later, he's snoring again and those snores slowly lull me to sleep, just like they have been for the past few days.

My eyes snap open again but I'm greeted with a blank landscape instead of our room in my brother's tavern. Mist surrounds me completely and I can see nothing five feet ahead of me in any direction I face. Damn, I really hate these types of dreams. Anything could happen.

"Daughter," a dark voice fills my head.

No. No. No.

"Father," I choke as my eyes widen in panic.

"Well, look at you," he says with a hint of fondness. "You have become quite the warrior. Powerful, agile, vicious." Suddenly, everything around me darkens. "But you fight for the wrong side, my daughter."

"No, I don't," I say firmly as I slowly turn around in a circle, searching for my old man. "I will stand by Meliodas as signs of the next Holy War slowly reappear. No longer will I affiliate with those who disapprove of love."

"You speak his name," he states and I cannot tell whether he is surprised, or disappointed. "Nevertheless, I do not expect you to understand the decision I made more than 3,000 years ago."

"Then help me to understand," I instantly say. Hell below, where did that come from?

Now I know for sure that the Demon King is shocked with my new self when he takes a moment to answer. "Come home, (Y/n)."

"To a place full of lies and deceit?" I snarl, clenching my hands. "I think I'll pass."

"(Y/n), I have never lied to you and I am not planning to any time soon."

"Hmm, no lies, huh? Mind explaining to me then why you decided to hide the truth about Aldro being the first Demon King?"

My father lets out a soft sigh. "Would it have changed anything?"

My hands unclench and I place them on my hips. "Initially, no. But now that certain information has come to light, then yes."

"And what might that be?"

Trying not to growl out the answer, I say, "The ancient scythe has always picked the next Demon ruler from the same family line, which means I'm related to Aldro."

The ground beneath my feet rumbles as the Demon King asks fiercely, "Who told you this?"

"I remember," I lie smoothly. Damn, I've only gotten this good because of Ban. "I remember fragments about this. Why can't my brothers and I remember any of this?"

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