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Eula Lillith, a child who grew up in the underground as an only child who was abandoned by her mother at a very young age. The only family member she is left with is her abusive father. She steals food from the stalls to provide for herself and her father, despite being treated badly.


"No mother please!", young Eula screams.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I have to leave. It's for my own good.", her mother says.

"No please... please....", Eula says as her voice becomes softer.

"GET UP DISGRACE!" Eula hers her father say. She wakes up from her nightmare and quickly gets dressed. She looks at herself in the mirror and sees all the bruises and scars on her body. She gets in the cold water and showers. Once she gets out, she immediately goes to the kitchen to make food...or what was left of the past day. "Is this it?!", her father furiously says. "I'm sorry father, I'll get food now.", she says with no emotion. "Damn right you should!", her father says as he slaps her in the face. 

Eula hurriedly runs out the door. This is my chance to escape. She thinks. She runs up to the centre as she sees a fight between a young boy and some men. She worriedly runs towards the boy, but to her surprise, he wins the fight against the men. She helps him get up and treats his wounds with some cloth and water. 

"Thanks.", he says. "No problem. By the way, I'm Eula Lillth." She places her hand out for him to shake. "...... Levi", he replies. "Huh? Sorry I didn't hear what you said.", she says confusingly, "My name's Levi." "Oh! Nice to meet you Levi! What were you doing?",she asks. "I was fighting those men because they challenged me." He said as he looked over her shoulder to see his guardian not there anymore. "Anyways, can I take you to meet my other friends?" Levi say. "Sure!"

Eula and Levi go to meet Farlan and Isabel. Eula gets introduced and start to make good friends with them. Isabel and her actually have a lot in common. Everyday, they go and steal somethings from the centre and try not to get caught. Levi, Farlan, and Isabel also help Eula learn how to fight and effectively use ODM gear.


Eula's POV:

Today we'll be stealing something precious from the center. Yesterday, we stole some ODM gear to replace some old ones. "Oi Eula! Get down here so we can discuss the plan again." I hear Levi say. "Coming!" I go to where my friends are and Levi repeats the plan. Farlan and Isabel will be on the side to protect Levi as he steals the object. I will be at the back ready to attack. Once Levi gives the signal, we will run for it and hide in one of the abandoned houses.

--3 hours later--

We are already in our positions waiting for the right time which is...now! I see Levi quickly steal the item and give us the signal. We head for the north side of the Underground, with people at our backs. They seem to be wearing green hoods but Levi keeps telling us to look forward. He tells us that they're not the ordinary type of people that we run from. They're called the 'Survey Corps'. I try and attack them from behind but they take me down. I try to catch up with my friends but I run out of gas, so I just chose to run. After some time, I see my friends get tied up and get brought to some place. I just sit down on the ground with my back on a wall.


"Eula! Come here!", my best friends tell me. "Okay!" I go down and see my friends with some bread that they have given me for my birthday. "Happy 12th Birthday!", they say together. "Thanks so much guys!" We all eat the bread and have a good time. Afterwards, Levi pulls me to a corner. He seems to want to tell me something.

"Eula, I want to make this promise to you." Levi says. He looks into my hazelnut eyes sincerely. "Sure go ahead!" "I promise to never leave you behind and will forever be there for you.", he says. "R-really?! As in forever?" He smiles at me and replies, "Yes, forever." He leans in and closes his eyes and kisses me. His lips are surprisingly soft. I melt into the kiss and never let go, as if I'm scared something might happen.

--flashback end--

You liar. I run my finger on my lips remembering the texture of his on mine. I cry until I fall unconscious.

--timeskip to the next day--

I wake up in a room. "Hello dear." Wait that voice sounds familiar. "You're finally awake." I look up to see... "Mother?!" I run into her arms and hug her tightly. "Yes dear, come and sit with me at the table." "Where am I?" "You're in my humble cottage above." "Y-you mean, I'm no longer in the Underground?!" "Yes dear, now eat then I'll explain how I found you." I quickly eat the delicious food that she made for me.

"Done!" "Did you enjoy it?" "Mhm!" "Okay, now let me explain to you now." I eagerly sit down and listen. "Yesterday, I found you on the streets in the Underground while looking for some ingredients to cook. I was a bit lost so I found you sleeping with dried tears. Do you mind telling me why you were crying?" I contemplate on my answer. "....sure", I say. I tell her everything that happened and break down. She hugs me in her arms and calms me down. "It's okay dear, I'll be here to protect you from now on."


Okayyy! HI everyone! I'm back and here's a new book. I am so so so sorry for all the skips. It's cuz I'm quite lazy today BUT I'm going to make the next chapter rn!! Go go go to the next chapter!!

Word count: 1001 words

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