Chapter 27

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Karan and I reached at my office at right time otherwise I would be late. As I reached at gate of office, I told him, "ok bye."

He was in good mood. He smiled and nodded, "I will come to pick you at evening. Wait for me."

I pouted, "Karan, I can go home myself. You don't need to come."

He said with determination, "i know but I will come so wait for me. Now, you are getting late. See you in evening. Bye." Without getting my response, he left.
I stomped my feet when I saw his back. He is really stubborn.

When I go into my office,I noticed my colleagues gave me with different gaze. I guessed what's going on inti their mind but I didn't react and put my bag on my desk. I sat on chair and started to arrange my desk for work.

Unfortunately, my colleagues had other thoughts. Khusi asked me with gossip tone, "Mita, who was that guy with whom you came office today?"

I replied without looking anyone, "He is my boyfriend. Why are you asking?" I didn't want to lie because my family already knew about my relationship that's why I didn't want to hide from anyone else.

Mahesh asked with shocked expression, "Is he really your boyfriend?"

I looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, do you want to meet him? Actually, he is coming to pick me up in evening if you want to meet."

Pooja said with excitement, "Wow, Mita congratulations." She gave him mocking smile. ugh, that's why I didn't want to be part of gossip. Why did they include me with their gossip?"

Khusi asked in behalf of everyone, "Who is he? When did you start it? Mita, we want all details. He hid his face with hoddie cap but we can say by glance he is handsome. You are really lucky."

May be,if I was in their shoes, I would also react it. But I was not ready to tell them any details. I smiled and told them, "I am sorry. But I have to do work now otherwise boss will scold me."

Shivani said with disappoint, "ok... We will wait for lunch break."

They went to their desks and I rolled my eyes. Karan, seriously you needed to do it. That's why I didn't want him to send me office.

But I was smart. I finished my lunch fastly in lunch break and came back to my desk. I didn't give them chance to ask me anything.

At evening, when I was packing my bag, I received the call from him. I smiled to look at his number. I hoped he told me that he couldn't come to pick me up. But that chance was minimal. As I know him, he will definitely come.

I attended the call, "Hello Karan"

I heard his voice from other side, "Mita, where are you? I already waiting for you in front of your office."

I said with smile, "ok, give me five minutes. I am coming" now he reached and I couldn't do it. 

When I came out,I spotted him. He covered his face with facemask but I can recognise him. I went to him and said with smile, "You really came?"

He smiled, "Ofcourse,I promised you that's why I had to come."

Then he opened the door of car for me. I stunned to look at car. The reason was it was not expensive car but it was cheap car. It didn't match with his status. I didn't know from where he got that car. I looked at him and asked with wondering, "What are you doing with this car?"

He said nonchalantly, "First sit. We can talk when I drive."

I sat into car. It was cheap car but car interior from inside was good. He sat on driving seat and started to car.

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