Do it because You Can

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Dexter's POV

"Dexer? Dexter? Dexter Charming!?". "I'm here!!" I said in shock. I had been looking at Raven who was across the hall. Cupid was standing right next to me. "What is up with you?" she asked. I started staring at Raven again who looked more beautiful than Apple White (in my opinion). "You know, you can talk to her...." Cupid pointed out. "But I haven't spoken to her in almost two month's" I said leaning against my locker. "How much do you like Raven?" Cupid asked. Is she seriously asking that? "Words can't even explain how much Cupid." I said looking back at Raven. "You know I'm planning a True Hearts Day dance.." she said. "I thought Grimm said you can't do that?" I said. "Yeah, but Briar's upset that the Legacy Day was cancelled and she really wanted to go. So she and Hopper are gonna help me plan a secret dance." she explained. "Sweet!" I said. "So, why don't you ask Raven to go?" she asked. "I wouldn't know what to say. How do I know she'd even want to go?" I asked. "Why don't you write your feeling down on a poem or something?" she suggested. "Do you think it would work?" I asked. "Sure." she said. "Thanks Cupid". I got to work on the poem immediately. I really hope Raven will like this.

Daring's POV

I haven't stopped thinking about Cerise since Legacy Day. I've never felt this way about any girl before, not even Lizzy Hearts. When I think of Cerise, I feel happy, sad, scared, excited, sick, and light all at the same time. I actually become shy when I'm around which never happens. Unfortunately I won't have time for Cerise because Book Ball season is coming up, so me and the other guys have to hocus focus extra hard. This year we play against Beans Stalk High, I'm not worried though, how hard can be to beat a bunch of litte beans? I went to the second floor library to write the plays for the game. "Hey Daring" said a small voice. I looked up, it was Cerise. "Hey, Cerise." I said looking at her pretty eyes. "Have your eyes always been that amber color?" I asked. She blinked a few times and they were back to dark gray. "Sometime's that happens." she said. "Well they're really pretty." I said smiling. She smiled slightly and sat down. "Watcha doin?" she asked looking at my playbook. "Writing plays for bookball season" I said. "I didn't know you were on the bookball team?" she said. "Yep, I'm actually captain, and Dexter is a quarterback." I said. "Who plays center?" she asked. I was suprised I didn't know Cerise was into BookBall. "Tiny" I said. "Tiny? Isn't he a giant?" she asked. "Yep, so how are you?" I asked. "Okay I guess." she took her hood off. "Whoa! Are sure you wanna do that!?" I asked putting her hood back on her head. "Haha, it's just us here Daring." she said taking her hood off again. "Does anyone else know?" I asked. "Just you, Raven, and Kitty." she said. "So when's the game?" she asked. "Its on Thronecoming in two months" I said. "I'll be watching" she put her hood back on and left. I let out a long sigh when she was gone. Now I really have to whip the team into shape now that I know Cerise will be watching the game.

Cerise's POV

I was talking to my dad this morning in his class room, about Legacy Day.  "So are you still friends with Raven Queen?" he asked. "Of course. She was the first person to know about our secret and understand." I said. He patted my head then told me to leave.  I saw Daring sitting alone in the second floor library. No one ever goes in there ever not even the librarians. He was writing stuff down in a notebook. We talked for a moment then he noticed my eyes weren't they're normal color. Whenever I talk to my dad my inner wolf comes out causing my eyes to change from dark gray to a glowing amber color. Daring already knows my secret so I took my hood off to relax for a minute. He put my hood back in fear of someone seeing them. I was suprised he even cared.  "Haha, it's just us here Daring." I stated. I asked what he was doing. He was writing bookball plays for thronecoming. I didn't know he and his brother were on the team. And I've never been to one of Ever After Highs bookball games so I was excited for the thronecoming game. I put my hood back on then left the library. I saw Sparrow Hood and Poppy O'Hair holding hands it looked they were going  out on a date because they were both dressed nice. The I saw Duchesd Swan behind them, she looked pretty suspicious. "Well if it isn't Cerise Hood!" she honked. "Nice to see you too Duchess." I said trying not get annoyed. "Hey, your good friends with Dexter Charming right?" she asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "What's the deal with him?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I said. "He was supposed to take me to the Legacy Day dance and totally stood me up." she said crossing her arms. "That was almost three months ago and he didn't ditch you. The dance was cancelled." I said. Why would Dex stood her up though? More importantly, why would he even go to a dance with Duchess anyway? "I thought you were after Daring?" I said. "I am....." she said. "Then why are you trying to get with Dextet all of the sudden?" I asked. She got quiet. "Are you using Dexter to get to Daring?" I asked. She had a suspicious look in her eyes. "Duchess, just ask Daring out yourself. If he says no get over it." I said then walked away.

Cupid's POV

Dexter found me this wicked cool book that is all about True Hearts Day. The special holiday where fairytale creatures, boys and girls, royals and rebels; Express they're feeling to the one's they love. With a special gift. A heart from the True Heart's tree. This holiday is so very special but, it hasn't been spellabrated in years. I talked to Head Master Grimm about it. He said he doesn't want students celebrating True Heart's Day because he doesn't want them breaking hocus focus from their stories. I don't get what the big deal is though? 86% of the school hasn't even signed the storybook of legends yet so why shouldn't that get in the way of True Hearts Day? Grimm said he doesn't want to hear me or any of the students talking about it, but I talked to Briar Beauty and Hopper Croakington and they were totally hexcited to help me plan a secret true hearts day dance.

Dexter's really been having a hard time summoning the courage to talk to Raven. I know he still has a massive crush on her. I suggested he right her a poem, I wonder how thats going for him.

Next chapter will be here soon.
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