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Rufus was so angry pulling me along side him. "Rufus stop your hurting me!" "Hurting you?, Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?! Leaving like that, and all your father said, was you were visiting with your mothers family! Then you return with a child! A child that is obviously yours, but I know she can't be mine! As I was responsible, and respectful of your age!" "Rufus stop she's not mine, well she is, but I stayed true to you. She's my uncle's, my mom's brother Dane and his wife Marissa's. Their dead! When Isa was nine months old, they were killed by men pretending to be Shinra guards. Their local government investigated, and arrested people in connection to their murder. I was terrified that it had something to do with you or your father. So I didn't know if I should or could come back until it was resolved and it was proven it wasn't you. Then I sold some valuables so I'd have money to begin traveling back, it was slower than planned. Because Isa has my allergy, so that added more time." He stared at me processing all the information I gave him. "We marry in a week no exceptions I'll get Isa and bring her home. You understand that this is your home now correct?" "Of course Rufus I understand. You won't keep me away from my dad right?" "He's more than welcome to visit you here. Otherwise it'll be awhile, before I trust you out on your own." With that he left the room locking me inside. I sat on his bed waiting for his return.

Hours later he and his father came in. President Shinra raised his hand to strike me. When my father's voice rang out clearly. "If you do that remember I have to consent to the marriage, and it's me who files on behalf of the couple. I will take my child and leave and there's nothing you can do to change that. If I see one bruise, a slap mark, or she says one of you hurt her, or you deny my visits, I will never allow her to marry into your family." I watched as Rufus' father stormed out of his son's penthouse. "He's very angry at you in this moment Taya. Why did you give them something that was intended to keep you safe?" "There were innocent children, down there! I wasn't about to let you or your father kill them! All because you want people to think a new war is coming. I love you Rufus, but I didn't know you were so conniving and ruthless! I want the man I thought you were, not this. This just makes me feel so sad and lost." He left as his father did my father standing nearby holding Isa. "Dad, I'm such a fool, I thought he was a good guy. I don't think I can marry him, but if I don't he might hand me over to Hojo! That's the last thing we'd want, because he'd probably do that to Isa too." He grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen where the laptop sat. He cued up a video he recorded of the Turks and Rufus. It was them discreetly dropping off supplies to those displaced by parts of the underplate falling. My override code worked it probably saved lots of lives. "He has good in him, but his father raised him remember that baby. A man will change for the right partner. Not because they ask them to, but because they want to be the person their partner deserves. I believe Rufus is capable of that change, for you. If you want to give him the chance." My dad left later that evening before his performance at the Honey Bee inn. I decided to make us food cooking careful for Isa's sake. I was finishing up when I realized how thirsty I was I grabbed a cup and filled it with faucet water. Drinking it in seconds, when I hear a gasp from behind me. "Are you trying to kill yourself so you don't have to marry me?" "Oh, what? No I was thirsty, oh I thought I told you.... I no longer have my allergy it's like it just went away one day. So I didn't even think about it. Its been almost three years since I've had to worry about myself." The wheels in his brain started turning I watched as he call the doctor in to take blood samples from me and Isa. I said nothing letting the doctor take the samples from me and Isa. I let him have his say, for now anyway. He then brought in a woman who took my measurements, and asked what age Isa was. As childrens clothing went by age. Within the hour our closets were full, delivery men coming and setting everything up. Isa's room was completely done with a crib, and soft toys. Beautiful pink fleece blankets with white flowers on them covered her bed and the chair in her room. "Since she will be ours from this day forward. I thought her having an appropriate room was important." I gave Isa a bath and rocked her to sleep placing her in the crib. "She's down finally. Do you want to go to bed, too?" In that second I was in his arms being kissed thoroughly. Somehow I ended up beneath him on the sofa, cradling him between my thighs. The blush flushed my face quickly, knowing this was a very intimate position. "Umm Rufus, this is umm....... You know." "I know but I just want you to feel and we'll see what happens next." I lost myself in his kisses and caresses. Letting myself just feel and enjoy his sensual touch. I didn't even notice when we moved to his room or when he removed our clothes.

Under A Steal Sky; FFVII A Rufus Shinra HEAWhere stories live. Discover now