CHAPTER 3 (part 2)

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Reyan's POV:

I woke up by the sound of my alarm.It's 6am right now.I went to kitchen and drank a glass of milk because you know its healthy.My housekeeper will be here at 7am and she will also make my breakfast.My housekeeper is a sweet lady and she is in her mid-forties.She has only one daughter.Her husband died in a car accident and her daughter was only 7 years old from then she is playing the role of both mother and father.Now, her daughter is 20 years old.You must be thinking how i know about these things.Obviously I am a mafia leader and i need to check the background of everybody who works under me or for me .Its time for my gym.I went towards my gym room.After spending a good one an hour in doing my workout,I came out of my gym room,all sweating.I was still in my yesterday clothes.I went to my room and got a black suit from my closet.I took a shower and got dressed then went downstairs.I ate my breakfast and then i started walking towards where my car was parked.I sat in my car and drove towards my office.I reached my office at 8am and got busy in my work.

At 6pm my mum called me saying

"Walikum aslam!"-me
"Do you remember Amna and her home address?"-mum
"yes,i remember."
"Good,i will me you there.we are leaving and now you come quickly.Allah hafiz!"-mum

And she cut the call.

I was curious as why she is telling me to come there.

Then i connected all the dots and got the conclusion that she wants me to marry Amna because yesterday they were talking about going to some girls house for my marriage.Am i day dreaming.I mean she has chosen Amna for me.Oh my gosh really.I can't believe it.My happiness has no boundary right now.The smile is not leaving from my face just by thinking about it.But wait wait....My smile fades away by the thought that.....I can't bring her in my life.I can't risk her life by bringing her in this dangerous world of mine.My mind is so messed up right now.I can't stop myself from thinking the worst.

I decided to pay a visit to Rehan.I know,only he can solve my problem right now.He can give me a good piece of advise.I came out of  my office.I got inside the elevator which took me to the ground floor.I walked out of the building.I sat in my car which was in the parkinglot and drove towards Rehan's home.Within few minutes,I reached his home.I rang the bell,after few seconds later,Rehan opened the door.He welcomed me in and said

"What a pleasant surprise to have your presence in my home."He said while walking towards the living room and I was behind him.
"I'm not in the mood to listen your nonsense talk.I'm here for some serious matter.''I said tiredly because I'm tired mentally and physically from these thoughts.

I don't know how I'm gonna solve this problem or what I'm going to do next.

''What's the matter that made you serious?Well you are always serious.Why there is sadness on your face.There should be a angry scowl like always.You know that sadness does not suit you.You should always stay happy and thank ALLAH for everything you are granted with.''

I sat on the sofa and made myself comfortable.Rehan went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water and handed it to me.

''Now make yourself relax and comfortable that you have already done and tell me everything.''

I drank the glass of water in one breath.We both sat in silence for few minutes,then I took a deep breath and started telling him.
''Yesterday,mum was talking about marriage and was saying that they will go some girl's home with my marriage proposal.I did not know about the girl.And today mum asked me if I remember Amna's home address.After thinking a little and by connecting all the dots,I got to know that mum has chosen Amna for me.I'm really happy about this.I can't describe my feelings.But I don't know what to do.My mind is so messed up right now.My world is so dark.Her soul is so pure and innocent.I have killed so many people and still doing it.I can't hide m real identity from her.Someday, it will come out.How will she react after knowing my truth.Will she stay with me or she will leave me.I can't bear her leaving me.And most of all, how am I going to  protect her when I'm the monster of myself.''

Now,I'm feeling much better after sharing my feelings with him.He didn't interrupt me during it.Suddenly, I remembered that mum told me to come Amna's home.Oh shit!

''Rehan, please  text my mum that Reyan got an emergency  that's why he will not be able to come.He told me to forward this message to you.''I said to him.

He took his phone that was placed on the side table.He typed something obviously texting mum and placed the phone aside.

''Listen to me carefully Reyan, look your happiness matters to me a lot.I want you to be happy.Its good that your mum has chosen Amna for you.Killing people is not right but we are not doing it for fun but we have to do it because its the only way to remove the dirt and it has become a part of our lifes.In my opinion, you should marry her,make her fall in love with you then tell her everything.I'm sure she will understand you and will not leave you.If you talk about how you are going to protect her then it is as simple as you are protecting your family.Most of all ALLAH is with her.He is going to protect her from all the evil eyes.Say yes to this marriage or would you bear her with someother man which is not you.''

"What the fuck man!? You know how much I love her.I can't bear her with some other man.She is mine.ONLY MINE.''I said while giving him a murderous look.

''Cool down man, I was just saying.She can't stay unmarried for her whole life just because of you.Don't be a selfish and think about her life too.That's why I'm saying that you should marry her, you have got a very golden chance.Don't lose it.''

I started thinking about what he told me.He is right,she can't stay unmarried for forever just because of me.She needs to get married.Otherwise this society will start putting fingers on her character.I need to make a wise decision.

''I will think about it.I gotta go,will see you next time.Good bye!''I said while walking towards the main door.

''Allah Hafiz,see you tomorrow.''He said from behind.

I left from there and drove towards my place.Because I need some rest.After reaching there, I directly went to sleep.

How are you all?
I'm sorry for this late update🙏🏻...I edited this chapter before updating...I will try to update more but after my exams😅...
and don't for get to
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I will see you with next update
Until then Allah Hafiz
Take care
Stay safe

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