"Lets go?" I asked them.

"Yep." Izzy said smiling. 

We slowly went downstairs. The boys, as usual, were in the tv room. We went to the tv room's door. Perrie placed her hand on the door knob. She looked at us, and nodded to be sure everyone was ready. We all nodded. She opened the door and the boys' mouth dropped. They stood there, staring and analysing every one of us. We just stood there smiling. The boys were all in tuxedos. Niall's hair was in a quiff, and he slowly walked to me. 

"You look fabulous." Niall said. 

"Thank you." I said. "You also look good."

"Lets go?" Lou asked us.

"Yep." El said popping the 'p'. 

We walked outside and saw nothing less than a black limo there. My mouth dropped. They took us to the limo. It was so cool. 


"So, you aren't telling us where we are going?" Perrie asked.

"No. Its a surprise." Zayn said giving her a kiss.

"Wait. It isn't a place like Nando's is it?" Perrie asked.

"No." Zayn said.

"Offended. Nando's is also a fancy place." Niall said.

"Nialler. We are not dressed for Nando's. This dress is too fancy for Nando's." I said. He gave me a kiss.

"NO PDA IN MY CAR!" Lou screamed. My phone buzzed, and I quickly picked it up. I had recieved a text message in the group; the ones with Ian, Jen and Court. We always text each other. Literally. I also text Meg a lot. But not as much as I text Ian, Jen and Court.

"Lou. They're all dating." El said calmly. She gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Aww..." I said. "You two are so cute." I said. I turned to Niall and gave him a kiss.

"NO!" Lou quickly screamed. "You can't kiss Niall." Lou told me.

"Why?" I asked him confused.

"Because yes. You can only kiss him on the cheek." Lou said.

"Lou, they're a couple!" Liam said.

"I don't care. She can't kiss anyone, unless she's going to marry the guy!" Lou said.

"Lou, don't exagerate!" I said. 

"We're here!" Zayn said looking out the window.

The boys' opened the door for us and we walked out of the car. We saw a fancy restaurant. Every boy escorted their girl into the restaurant. Inside it looked like those old fancy restaurants you saw on movies. It was so fancy. I felt like those princesses living a fairy tale. 

"We have a reservation. Its on the name of Liam Payne, table for 10." Liam said.

"Come with me." the man said taking us to a big table, which we all sat.

Every boy sat next to his girlfriend. The table had a lacey table cloth, white plates with golden details, and beautiful silverware. The man handed us menu's. I opened mine, and started to look at it.


We had just finshed eating. The foos was so delicious. It was just like a fairy tale. We were still in the restaurant. Then some classy music starts playing.

"Would you like to dance?" Niall asked me.

"I'd love to." I said.

He holded my hand and escorted me to the dance floor. He placed an arm around my waist, and holded my hand with the other. I placed my hand on his shoulder and my other hand was interwined with his. He pulled me closer to him, and I leaned my head on his chest. 

Truly Madly Deeply (One Direction Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt