My Queen

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*Gideon's P.O.V.*

This plan was coming together perfectly! Soon I shall have my queen! Or should I say, my queens. Sweet Mabel, shy Kate and feisty Sam will all be mine! I laughed and my dad came in. Uh!

"I can buy and sell you, old man! Get! Get out of here!" I yelled. Idiot! I know Caesar will try to betray me after we capture Bill and kill him, so I have a plan. I have a demon pendent that can capture a demon's spirit inside it. I will trap Caesar and be rid of that pesky Dipper Pines FOREVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, I'm good. It's been 5 days since Caesar made the deal. 2 days till I get my queens...

*Caesar's P.O.V. *

Fireball was extremely tired. Every second she falls asleep, I give her a nightmare. The bags under her eyes were an unnatural purplish hue, and she looked at least 10 years older.

"Hey, Fireball! You gettin' tired?" I mocked.

"Shut up, you Dorito....!" she could barely keep her eyes open.

"I wonder how Bill will react when you become Gideon's queen. And how your sister and best friend will react when they're tricked into being that runt's queens! Oooh I LOVE suspense! Don't you?" I laughed evil.

"Put a... sock in it... you Nacho..." she was falling asleep. I snapped and she started tossing and turning. "No.... Kate! Stop! I-I never... killed..... them! Bill... you have to.... believe me.... please... please....." Fireball shot up and slammed her head against the glass, and now it was bleeding. "Ow..." she grumbled. I decided to mock her friends and force them to see her tired and hurt. I teleported to the Shack, where they were just about to go raid Gideon for his journal.

"It's been a while, everybody! I just came to let you see Fireball. Poor thing. The longer you wait the longer she suffers." I taunted. Fireball ran over to the other side of the hourglass.

"Guys!" she cried.

"Sam! What did you do to her!?" Bill yelled.

"Oh, I just give her a nightmare every time she falls asleep!" I cackled. Bill growled and was about to launch himself at me, so I wagged a thin, red, finger at him. "Ah, ah, ah! I don't need Fireball. I can kill her if I want! So, don't try me, buddy!" Bill backed off but threw me a glare that shot daggers.

"I just wanted you to see your precious Fireball before she is taken away from you forever!" I shook the hourglass and Fireball bumped up and down inside of it.

"Stop that, you idiot! I always can tell them!" Fireball yelled at me. I was startled. She was awake enough to remember that I accidentally told her Gideon's plan!

"Uh, yeah, ok. Well we better go, don't wanna keep you kids waiting!" I laughed nervously then dissappeared into the mindscape. I glared at Fireball with three angry eyes.

"I swear if you pull something like that again-"

"What? You'll what? Kill me? You can't, not yet. Not until you get me to Gideon. So I'll take my chances, buddy!" Fireball growled without fear. She stared me straight in my top red eye. This intimidated me a little. Yeesh, it was like trying to make a deal with the devil! Oh wait, that's what people say about me. Am I seriously this defiant and intimidating? Jeez. It seems Fireball is my spitting image, as a human. Hmm, that gave me an idea.

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