Spring Swim

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Another week gone by fast as I spent it with the trio I'd come to see as friends, it was Friday night now and I was reading alone in the guest house. Dad and Rebekah were on some sort of couple's date with a few friends. I was enjoying my book until I got a random text.

Unknown Number: Hey! Pretty girl! You're not working tomorrow right?

I looked at the text in confusion.

Me: Um.. wrong number?

Unknown Number: ouch, don't remember me? It's Tae! Remember pretty new girl? Anyway, come down to Ochoa's beach house! It's a great place, we'll be there waiting! ;)

Me: okay

You changed Unknown Number to ExpressiveTae

ExpressiveTae: Great! We'll see you then! Get there early as you can!

I put my phone back on charge and sighed, going back to my book. I tried to remember why I let him use my phone when I knew he was just going to look at my number so he could get in touch with me. Out of the three of them, he was the most open and excited about.. well everything. Jungkook was talkative once he loosed up some.. Jimin didn't get talkative till it was something he found amusing or something he had something to talk about came up. It might have been because he seemed focused on Millie all night.. why the hell do I seem bothered by that? I just met these guys, I seriously cannot be jealous, right? I shrugged off the feeling and continued to read my book. Getting lost in the world in these pages.

Before long, I'd fallen asleep. I woke the next morning from the knocking on the door to the guest house. I peeled myself up off the sofa, wiping a bit of drool from the corner of my mouth. I glanced at the mirror for a moment and gave myself a repulsed look. I looked like I'd been dragged through a brier bush. Julia entered when I failed to answer. She smiled and brought me breakfast.

"Your father and Rebekah are taking the children out on the boat again. I'm going to be busy cleaning, your father hopes you can get out and do something. He suggested shopping, or making new friends at the country club. He put your name on the list so you can just show your ID and get in." She commented.

"Oh.. okay, thanks." I replied. The country club wasn't bad, the people were not my type of people. I doubt I could find anyone there I could hang out with. But I might give it a shot since they do have an indoor pool, and I kind of want to go swimming before it gets too crowded.

I ate the breakfast after Julia left, then showered and went about my usual morning routine. I couldn't decide on a bathing suit so I just grabbed the first one- the blue and purple shimmery bikini. I packed a big towel and tossed on a pair of jean shorts and a netted cream colored cover-up top that hung over my shorts. I slipped on my sandals and finally took my phone off the charger, preparing to call a cab. As soon as I turned it on I was hit with notifications or new messages. I went through some of them..

ExpressiveTae: Hey! Are you coming or not? Don't make us wait.

ExpressiveTae: Please answer me?

ExpressiveTae: Are you busy?

Unknown Number: Hey it's Jungkook, Tae's freaking out are you coming by?

Unknown Number: Okay well.. have a good night

You changed Unknown Number to JKook

A part of me felt bad for not remembering to go and meet them, but it also didn't seem like too big of a deal.

I decided to reply though, just so they wouldn't think I skipped out on their invite on purpose. Yeah... I don't like letting people down..

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