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-- Hyung -- the younger complained for the tenth time in the day.

--Aish, I told you we can't leave the cave--Yunho repeated, also for the tenth time.

-- But I'm bored, Wooyoung-hyung said that hunters didn't usually approach these areas--the little bear, after having been lying with his belly in the air, got on all fours.

--Well, just in case you stay here--the bigger bear fell in front of the cave entrance, blocking his way out.-- Besides, Wooyoung is a raccoon, he's smaller and faster, no one will notice if he passes between them.

--But we're supposed to be bigger and stronger, humans are afraid of us--Jongho excused himself.

--Your fangs haven't come out, you couldn't defend yourself for a single second--Yunho, more fed up and tired, closed his eyes, wishing that his little brother would give up insisting.

--Okay, I'll stay here--Jongho sat down and let out an angry sigh.

A few more minutes passed, in which Jongho walked around the dimly lit cave when he realized that his brother was in deep sleep. If he was lucky he could climb out on it, but he knew the other was a light sleeper, and the slightest movement above him would wake him up instantly.

But he remembered how Seonghwa and Hongjoong taught him to jump, yes, maybe one was a rabbit while the other was a simple squirrel but who says bears can't jump high? So he immediately took his idea and stepped back a few steps until he touched the wall with his butt and ran as fast as he could until he jumped over Yunho's motionless body.

Almost uttering a cry of celebration when he saw himself outside the cave and was able to run among the tall green pastures, letting his hair move with the strong wind of the day and finally feeling the heat of the sun instead of the cold of the constant shadow.

He dropped on the flowers and learned to hunt the fish on his own, however, a voice among the trees interrupted his moment.

-- Yah, what are you doing here?--Asked the voice.

--I don't know, what are YOU doing here?

--Eyy, bratty one--the fox came down from the high branches of the tree above the little bear.-- Where's Yuyu?

-- Uhmm...hyung is a bit tired, so I wanted to play alone--in a way, it wasn't entirely a lie.

--Hmm...Okay, I'm surprised he let you go alone knowing that today is a special day for the village hunters, I'll stay with you just in case, hmm?-- San laid on a large rock by the river.

--Sannie-hyung--Jongho called.

-- Tell me...

--Why is this a special day for hunting? I mean...there are whole seasons and why just today all the animals are hidden?--San hesitated for a few seconds to respond, he knew that Yunho was trying to be as honest as possible with his brother, but he couldn't always tell him the truth of reality knowing how curious and immature he was, he practically had to raise Jongho on his own, so he was all he had, and Yunho would blame himself until the end of time if that same curiosity led him to devastating ends.

--Because they are not very animal-friendly people--he replied simply.

-- But they bring dogs and I saw some of them had cats.

--I mean to the animals that are not usual to see next to them--the fox knew the trouble he was slowly getting into--Like, animals that live in the wild...you know?

The younger nodded, having a better idea but still confused.

-- But look, so far nothing happened to me, the hunters are far away and you are here, nothing will happen to me with hyung--Jongho came out of the small stream in which he was.

--...Yes, you are with me...no-nothing will happen with hyung--San sighed, not having the courage to face the child with the truth.-- Alright, you've been playing around for a long time, how about we walk near your cave before it gets later? hmm?--The fox stretched out before jumping out of the stone.--Yunho won't take long to ask for you.

-- Okay, but-...--Suddenly, an arrow almost grazed through his ear, plunging completely into the tree next to him.

-- Run!--San shouted before doing the same, Jongho could barely think out of panic and followed him when his body reacted.

The orange fox was faster than him, so he easily lost sight of him. It wasn't until he found himself in an area of long lianas that he noticed no one following them, not a single sound but his own breath, yet a call caught his attention.

-- Pst, JJong-ah--it was Seonghwa, who stood on a tree next to San, his looks expressing a bad vibe, which made sense when a growl behind him sent shivers all over his body.


Jongho was thrown to the ground hard after Yunho carried him all the way back from the back of his neck. The older one didn't mention a single word, just finishing sorting the fruits collected during the week in a corner for several minutes, Jongho felt his paws slippery due to the sweat on them.

His heart almost reached his stomach when Yunho sighed and finally opened his snout.

--I told Mingi to come, you'll be with him for a few days--he simply said.

--Wh-Why? where will you go?

-- You're going with him to his house, so go prepare whatever you need-- He didn't look at him, just kept tidying up in a corner.

-- But why? is anyone coming to visit?

-- Jongho...-- He called, taking several seconds to go on--I need you to don't question anything everything and listen to me.


-- Just listen to me!-- He roared suddenly, scaring the poor bear.-- Can't you just listen to me one day? Just one fucking day!

The elder's eyes turned completely black.

-- Not only do you escape when I told you it's dangerous, you almost died and got lost, what would have happened if that arrow hit you? hmm?! How would I have realized that my brother is about to turn to nothing but a human carpet if Seonghwa hadn't warned me?

Each question was a deeper dagger in Jongho's heart. Yunho was right after all, not only could he have died, but San was there as well.

-- I didn't mean to make you upset...I'm sorry...

-- I'm not upset...--Jongho knew what was coming, heard it from his father to his brother, and now it was his turn to receive it--...I'm disappointed-- those words resonated in his head, knocked him down completely and broke every piece inside him.

Jongho felt rage, hatred towards everything that happened today. 

Brother Bear // 2HoWhere stories live. Discover now