Chapter 5: Forever with You (Part 1)

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Word Count: 1350 (yeah it's short this time)

~(Age: 19)~

I trace my thumb over the umbrella tattoo that was forever stain on my wrist...all those painful memories....

"You deserve to live with those memories."

My eyes snap up to see a young Vanya staring at me "Vanny?" I whisper "Don't call her that," a Klaus around the same age hisses "You don't deserve to call her that." I stand up "Klaus I-" "You left us! You left us so you could be with Five! And what for?! You're only gonna die here." Diego growls "Like she deserves." Allison sneers. My eyes tears up and I look back and forth between them "G-guys? Why are you saying this? Why are you being so mean?" I mumble.

"We're being mean? Oh, grow up." Ben scoffs, circling me "You left us to die." Klaus accuses. I shake my head and look around, where's Five? I need him to be here! "And I thought I was that bad sibling." Luther mumbles, shoving me from behind. The 6 of them circle around "Guys, cut it out! Please! Stop!" I cry, shielding my face.

They ignore me me and I cry harder, clenching my wrist tightly.


I squeak in fear and punch the fist thing in front of me...

Which was unfortunately Five...

"Ow..." He whines, rubbing his side "I'm sorry! Sorry!" I say a little too loud. Five shoots me a concerned look "Are you ok? I was watching while you slept because you looked so cute...then you started crying and it was less cute." He says

A/N: Anyone get that reference? I hope so.

I wipe the tears that were running down my face "Yeah...I'm fine!" I laugh weakly. Five tilts his head sassily and gives me a "really" look "Y/N...I've been alone with you for 6 years. You really think I can't notice when something's wrong?" Five sighs, placing his hands on my cheeks. I stare at him before sniffling "I'm sorry, Five. I can't help it..." I whisper "Help what?" Five asks, stroking my cheek "Those...nightmares." I say.

"They're back?"
"They never stopped."

Five looks at me and sighs "Y/N..." Five pulls me into a hug "What was it about?" "It's my fault the other are dead. If I would've stay, maybe I could've stopped the apocalypse...maybe I could've at least saved the other. Maybe-" I go quiet when Five's grip on me tightens. He lets out a shaky break "You remember what Mom used to say?" Five asks, I shake my head. I bury my face into Five's shoulder "Everything happens for a reason...bad and good," Five mumbles "I don't know why we got stuck here, but I think...the universe has a good reason."

"But what about the others?" I ask quietly, squeezing the sheets. Five sighs "With your powers...we'll see them again." Five says hopefully "You think so?" I ask "Know so, and I know everything~" Five says slyly. I smack him with a pillow and roll my eyes playfully. I climb out the makeshift bed and walk out our base "Where are you going?" Five calls, following behind me "I thought you knew everything~" I tease. Five shoots me a pouty look and I laugh "Relax, I need to use the bathroom." I state. I let out a scream when something cold hits the back of my head....a snowball...



I sigh and rub my eyes clumsily "Five...we only have 6 days left." I mutter, shooting him a tired look "I know." He sighs, staring out the window intently. "We're wasting time by waiting." I state "You got a better idea?" Five hums, munching on his-MY fudge-nutter. "Let's go...beat Luther and....make him eat...coconuts." My voice slurs as I finish my sentence, Five blinks at me and snorts quietly "Ok then." He mumble.

We turn our heads in sync when Lance walks outside "There's our guy." Five says. I squint my eyes, trying to focus as much as I could "What the h*ll is he up to?" Five mumbles. Lance places somethings in a car and it drives off, Five stare for a moment before grabbing my shoulder and teleporting us to a library.

"What are we doing here?" I ask in a slight daze "We need to search for something. You start I'll be back." Five tells me "Search for what?" I ask, but he had already teleported else where. I sigh "Ok....uh, I guess I'll just...." I stumble through the library, earning weird looks.


"Y/N...Y/N, wake up...what the h*ll did Klaus give her?"
"No idea, but add that up with what she was drinking with Five."

Five and my grip around each other tightens when someone tries to pull us away from.

"Well, these 2 aren't letting go anytime soon..."
"I'll carry them together, I guess."


I open my eyes weakly, looking around.

I was longer in the library...and someone just threw on top of Five. I sigh tiredly, inhaling Five's scent and closing my eyes weakly.

"Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment." Luther sighs "My place is closer. No one will look there." Diego says. I let a very painful hiccup before groaning "Am I dead yet?" I ask, "No, not yet." Diego says as we walk. Five gags and burps, "If you vomit on me...." Luther growls.

Five laughs drunkenly "You know what's funny?" Five asks "What?" I asks-even though my voice was muffled in his neck "We're going through puberty....TWICE! And we...we drank a lot. We had drank two whole bottles together, but that's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone." Five sighs, wrapping an arm around me. I look up to see Diego walking a head of us "Nice bad*ss walk, Dee." I snort weakly. He glances at me with an eye roll and a smile

"What were you guys talking about?" Five asks, Luther sighs "2 masked intruders attacked the Academy last night." He says "They came looking for you two," Diego adds "So I'm gonna need you two to focus. What do they want?" "Oh, yeah...those...shooty people, Five-Love what were their names...?" I ask, dozing off again "Hazel and Cha Cha." Five says "Who?" Diego asks "You know I hate code names."

Luther jerks his arm so I wake up "They're the best of the best." I state "Except for us, of course." Five says, looking at me with lovey eyes. "Best of what?" Diego asks, Five laughs and stares at me "You know, Y/N always said she hated when I look at her, drunk as a skunk." Five laughs. I let out a quiet, tired groan....I just want to sleep...


I snap my eyes open "Next person to wake me up will die!" I growl quietly.

"I need you two to focus." Diego says firmly "What do this Hazel and Cha Cha want?" Five and I share a glance with drunken smile before turning back to Diego. He sighs "We just want to protect you." Diego states "Protect us? We don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed. How many bodies Y/N helped to bury." Five says

Diego looks at me and I only flash him a sad smile "I'm the Four-fricken-Horsemen," Five laughs before going serious "The apocalypse is coming." I quickly teleport away from Luther and Five. I bend over and start puking my guts out.

"That's our baby sister..."
"I hope she never breeds..."

"Too late~"

A/N: Hey! Sorry it's been a while, haven't really been motivated to write for this book recently. I'm hoping binge watching the series will help me with my writer's block. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- OutThere out!

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