Chapter 2: Adjusting

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Word count: 2043

Quiet sobs leave my throat as I twitch from the pain "Done." The man says, helping me out the chair. "Thanks..." I whimper quietly and they man shoots me a sad look as I shuffle over to the others.

Five pulls me into his arms tightly "I-it hurts, Five..." I whisper, breaking down and burying my face into Five's chest "It's ok, I know it hurts...but I got you...." He mutters as I cry, gently rubbing my back.

I stare awkwardly at the other as Five makes sandwiches "What's the date?" I ask, breaking the silence "The exact date." Five adds "The 24th." Vanya says "Of what?" Five asks "March." Vanya says quickly.

Five and I share a glance before Five nods "Good." "So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asks "Right, I've missed all of you-except you, Luthie." I say, smirking slightly. Luther rolls his eyes "It's been 17 years." He states. Five scoffs "It's been a lot longer than that."

Five teleports through Luther.

"I haven't missed that."

"Where'd you go?" Diego asks, looking at me "The future," I sigh "It sucks by the way." "Called it!" Klaus announces proudly. "I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." Five says, finishing up the sandwiches "Nice dress." I say, staring at Klaus.

Klaus flashes a proud grin "Oh, well, danke!" He says, playing with his dress. I giggle quietly "Wait-how did you get back." Vanya asks "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five states "That makes no sense." Diego scoffs. "Well it would if you were smarter." Five says.

Diego stands up, but Luther holds him back "How long were you there?" Luther asks "Uh, like 45 years...give or take." I tell him. Luther stares at me in surprise "You're 58?" He asks "Incorrect," I say "Our minds are 58, but apparently our bodies are 13 again. Not that I really mind." Five hands me my sandwich. I take a bite out of it.

Everyone still looks confused "Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya asks "I kept telling him the equations were off. Even Delores said I was right." I say, crossing my arms "Delores?" Vanya asks "She was our marriage counselor." I whisper to Vanya, Allison and Klaus "Marriage?" Luther mumbles "Y/N, I love you, but Delores was a mannequin." Five sighs. "You only say that because she was always on my side." I huff. Five shakes his head, but I saw the little smile he had.

Everyone just stares at us before Five picks up a newspaper "Guess we missed the funeral." He says "How'd you know about that?" Luther asks, Five rolls his eyes "What part of the future do you not understand?"

"Heart failure, huh?" I ask, reading the article.


I raise an eyebrow at the two of them and Five hums "Nice to know nothing's changed." He says before taking my hand and walking out the kitchen "That's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison calls. "I love your outfit and I'm gonna raid your closet!" I call back.

"What is with the twins stealing my clothes?!"

~Small Time Skip~

"Where are you going?" Five asks "I meant what I said Five." I tell him with a serious tone before booking it to Allison's room "I'll meet you in your room, love you~" I call.

I walk into Allison's room and open her closet door "Hm." I hum, grabbing a (Favorite Color) hoodie. "This will do." I mumble, putting the hoodie on. It was a little big on my, but it'll work.

(DISCONTINUED) 13 (Five Hargreeves x Reader) [Umbrella Academy]  ~Prequel Book~Where stories live. Discover now