Chapter 1: The Beginning with No End

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Word Count: 893 (Yeah, it's shorter than normal but they always get longer with time)

A/N: Welcome back. We get to see more of Five and Y/N's relationship! I forgot how awkward and tense the Hargreeves fam was in season 1. But hey- more bonding with the sibs.

Also if you have never read Book 1, the story makes more sense if you do. So go check it out.


(Age: 13)

"I heard a rumor......"

I watch with a wide grin as Allison uses her powers "Watch out!" My eyes widen when a guy behind me gets a knife in his eyes "Thanks Dee." I say with a nervous chuckle "Just pay attention." He says sternly. I nod before freezing one of the guys.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives!"

Allison, Luther, Diego, and I snicker as one of the men hop on the counter and aims a gun at us "Get back, you freaks." He growls "Hey, be careful up there buddy." Diego teases, elbowing me playfully "Yeah wouldn't want ya to get hurt." I say. "GET BACK!" The man shouts, firing a warning shot at me.

"Or what?" Five asks with a glare.

The man quickly turns and fires his gun at Five, he teleported before it could hit him. The man fires a lot more shots where Five was "He's just wasting bullets..." I mumble, Allison nods.


Time freezes and Five appears beside me "Watch this." He says, switching the man's gun with a stapler. I giggle as he hops off the counter "Wanna call it?" "Yep! Play." I say happily. Five teleports behind the guy and the guy tries to shoot Five with the stapler

"That's one bad*** stapler." Five laughs before bashing the stapler into the man's forehead. I cringe at the hash on his head.

~Small Time Skip~

"Do we really have to do this?" Ben asks sadly "Come on, Ben," Luther sighs "There's more guys in the vault."

Ben only sighs, I run up and pull him into a quick hug "It's ok, Ben. You got this." I say before running to Five's side. Ben shoot me a sad smile before heading to the door. I think I heard him mumble "We didn't sign up for this."

Klaus walks up to the rest of us "Where were you?" Luther asks "I was busy." Klaus says, wrapping an arm around me "You were flirting with ghosts again weren't you?" Diego sighs. Klaus doesn't respond, and Ben walks out of the vault. He was soaked in blood.

"C-can we go home now?"

~Later to Nighttime~

"-One of the guys were right behind me! But Diego threw one of his knives and saved me. It was the coolest-yet scariest thing ever. I'm honestly glad it's over."

Vanya stares at me with wide eyes as I plop down on her bed "Wow..." was all she said "Yeah," I sigh before smiling "How's your newest piece going?" "Oh-uh," Vanya pulls out a sheet of paper "Pretty good.....Mom's been helping me write the notes correctly and-"

"Number Eight!"

Vanya and I look up from the paper to see Dad staring at me harshly "Time for bed." He says. I look at Vanya before pulling her into a hug "Bye, you can finish showing me tomorrow." I tell her. Vanya's nods and I run out of the room.

(Quick A/N: Not sure how the layout is of the academy but I'm writing it where the bedrooms are beside each other in pairs. Like Luther and Diego are beside each other on side, Allison and Klaus are beside each other on another. Since Vanya isn't allowed to sleeps with everyone else and she's probably near Grace or something. Your room is grouped with Five and Ben. So you're pretty lucky.)

"Night Ben! Night Five!" I whisper yells, heading to my door "Night...." I hear Ben say. I enter my room to see Five sitting on my bed "Hey Five, what's up?" I ask, sitting next to him. Five stares at me with a serious expression

"I have a plan....and I don't wanna do it without you."


"You ready for this?"

I give Five a firm nod before he pulls me into a kiss "I couldn't do it before, but maybe you can." Five whispers, placing a kiss on my knuckles "I hope so..." I sigh nervously "I know so." Five says. I nod before using Five's powers. A blue energy surrounds us, "I see something!" Five shouts over the sound

We share a glance before reaching out to the portal and stepping through. It feels like the air's being knocked out my lungs. I was blinded by the light and worst of all, Five's hand was ripped away from mine.


A grunt leaves my mouth as I collide with the ground "Ah..." I hiss quietly

"Is it just me or do you guys see little Five and Y/N?" 

I look up weakly to see the a group of people staring me down. My gaze breaks away from them to look at my hands, all the scars and bruises were gone...I think my hands are smaller too.

I gasp when I see Five.....but he's a child. He looks at me with the same expression before we both sigh


(DISCONTINUED) 13 (Five Hargreeves x Reader) [Umbrella Academy]  ~Prequel Book~Where stories live. Discover now