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Soon two me walked in and forced the two siblings out the room into the indoor garden were they were met by other hybrids. They all stopped and look at dream with far at first but when they saw his face it changed to one of concern. His eyes seemed dead and dull as if the light and hope in him was just dragged away. Truth be told it was. Drista was shacking badly and wouldn't stop at all. The two made there way to the tree they would always sit under with the there from their room but not anymore they were gone.

Dream took a deep breath a started to sing lost boy again in memory of his friends and family. Thats when it hit the older people in the room. That dream was barely holding on to himself and the strand keeping him from becoming a shell was drista. Each of the made there way towards the broken teen each trying to give him the comfort that he had once given them with the help of those that were no longer here.

Once dream finished the song a little ranboo walked up to him tears burning his face.

"R stop crying your hurting yourself and we don't want that." dream said his voice just as bad as his eyes, The once cheerful lively voice now a quiet broken one. Ranboo just hugged dream tight,

"Stop acting like your not hurting D we can tell you are" Ranboo said. When dream was first introduced to everyone he didn't want to tell them his real name so told them to call him D. He would be the comfort to everyone and no matter how bad your day had been dream could make you feel special and needed now that was gone.

The next day was dreams first day i the ring and he was against a 23 year old man who seemed to have experience in this area. Dream didn't back down instead stood tall and grabbed an axe ready and heading to the fight head on.

002 the simple mention of those number would strike fear into everyone as he never lost a battle. One day dream snapped though. He was forced to fight ranboo. At first dream complied to it and so did ranboo but when dream had gotten ranboo on the floor he snapped.

"I WILL NOT KILL MY FRIEND, HE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT OTHER THAN MY SISTER AS YOU KILLED EVERYONE ELSE" dream yelled which cause ranboo to be dragged back to his rm and dream to go through hell. Dream was cut on the arms and beaten till he could barely stand

"If you do that again then say good bye to your sister" He said (the scientist).

~18 year old dream~

Dream was now the gladiator if you were paired with him you wouldn't be leaving alive. Yet this day was different it was the anniversary of THAT day and dream wasn't in the mood for anyone right know. So when he saw a child the age of 10 enter the ring he change out of anger. His small stature change to a tall muscular one with two tails one black the other purple and black. The void like black spread over his body and he became a monster He charge at the superstates and killed almost all of them before running of ripping open all the doors. Getting his sister back and not letting her go until they were all out of the building. Dream calmed down drastically once every hunter in that building was gone and ripped in to tinny human bits.

Then dream helped everyone find their way home leaving them outside their old house then making his way with drista back to theirs praying that puffy hadn't moved.



Ranboo had left a while ago and dream had tears coming from his eyes. Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Niki were shocked These teenagers where forced to do all of that and for what.

"Thats it thats our story purpled might be something different as i don't remember seeing him in the group i saved." dream said before standing saying good night and leaving the room. He didn't head to his room instead he headed to the roof for some air. Stars had littered the sky and the soft breeze of the wind was nice one dreams face. The image of the mix matched family he was part of that was killed in front of him flashed before his eyes all dressed in nice colorful cloths and alive each looking older and healthier.

"Thats what they look like isn't it" As soft voice said from behind dream.

"Hello goddess and yes they looked like that but younger i guess thats what they would look like if they were here" dream said with a pained chuckle.

"Kristin is fine dream and thats whats they look like as we speak. They are happy and can't wait for the day you visit them. They all have been watching over you as you grow." she said sitting next to the cry goat. 

"Why would they, the reason they are dead is because of me being to weak to stop them" dream cried. His eyes turning red and puffy again.

"Dreamy we know you would have saved us" A bunch of voices said at once. Dream turned to see the spirits of those close to his heart. 

He couldn't keep his act up at this moment he collapsed onto his knees and cried in pain, happiness, and guilt. 

"We missed big brother dreamy" Kate said smiling.

"Wow your still short" jack teased ruffled dreams hair. Dream didn't believe it he refused to believe it he over his ears and whispered thing to himself.

"Stop please. Kristin making spirits of them appear won't help me" he said in the old broken voice that pieced everyone. He left his real mask fall. The unhealed wounds could bleed out as he wasn't adding salt to them. He bright eyes the dull green and the smile that could put the sun to shame was gone.

"I knew you wouldn't let your guard down unless you had a reason so i gave you one. I'm sorry but if you don't even try to heal you'll run yourself out and end up nothing but a shell. That isn't even the worst part. Is it" She said. Dream sat down letting his legs dangle over the edge but showing no fear. His face was dull.

"You know if you wanted i could bring the real ones here for you they would love to see you."  She said.

"No thanks, seeing them will make me worse. I cant face them. After everything i did and what i am." Dream said.

"Your no monster. I would know. You see monsters are things that no one understands they are not evil or dangerous unless you let them be. I am seen as a monster. So are you as you say. Yet a world without who you really are can't function and a world with me cant work." Kristen said it looked like she was going to continue.

"To sum it up a world with out monsters can't exists" I British voice said. On the roof near an open hatch was eret a 19 year old and the oldest child of herobrian. 

"A world without destruction might be nice but the destruction is something destined, A world without death cant exist and a world with out you cant function. As you are a tie with all gods" Kristen said. Dreams was shocked he was a tie from the gods to people. That must be a cause of one of those wired liquids.

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