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Dream and drista are biological children of puffy's. so they are goat hybrids. Until they get experimented on. Schlatt is Puffy's brother so Tubbo is dreams cousin.

All minus drista but she looks like dream but female, smaller and younger

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All minus drista but she looks like dream but female, smaller and younger.




I shoot up from my bed sweat dripping from my forehead and drenching my bed and covers. My head falls to my hands as the memories of what i went through only a few months ago flood back to me. I am snapped from my thoughts at a low cry from across the hall. My younger sisters room. I stood up from my bed and walk over to see what was happening. I open the door to see our mom and uncle along with tubbo our cousin trying to calm her down, I say tubbo but he was panicking.

"Shhhhhh. It was just a nightmare. You aren't there anymore" i Heard uncle schlatt say. I walked over to tubbo who was tiny for his age of 17 and hugged him to stop him from panicking. After he calmed down i told him to go back to bed before telling uncle and mom the same as i could comfort my sister.

"Shhhhhhh. No need to worry We are safe and sound here. Tomorrow we will be even safer. But you need sleep." i whisper to her as i heard her breathing steady slowly.

"If you want i will stay here with you." I continued gaining a small nod from the 14 year old.

With that a lay down and soon enough she was asleep.


Morning had come and i was waken by schlatt yelling to get ready or he'll eat our breakfasts which made the two younger ones move faster then a cheater. Like every morning there was a cue for the bathroom. and it was worse today as we had boxes dotted all over the house that shlatt was slowly moving to the van outside.

"TUBBO HURRY UP OR I WILL HIDE YOUR BEES" i heard drista yell. I laughed as i walk to my room grab my outfit for the day and pack my ear phones, sketch book, pencils, phone charger and the rest of the important things that i will be using to entertain myself during the drive tat awaits us all. By the time i had packed everything for me and done the same for drista and tubbo the bathroom was empty so i headed for the shower i needed.


Once i was dressed in my usual green hoodie, black jeans and brown boots with my smiley face mask on tied my messy dirty blond hair in a messy bun then  headed down stairs.

(This mask)

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(This mask)

The downstairs was as loud and chaotic as normal tubbo and drista arguing a bit Schlatt finishing the bottle of alcohol he started last night (there wasn't much left) and mom making breakfast for all of us as only me and her know how to cook.

The small of bacon and sausages filled the air as i sat down waiting for the food. soon breakfast was done and eaten. Which meant that schlatt an i had the job of bringing all the boxes and bags to the van.

~1 hour later~

Everything was packed and  ready to go. We all hoped into one of the two vehicles and then set off.

dreambur ||hybrid AU||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant