Chapter Eight

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She looks up at me with her tearful eyes and smiles. A silent chuckle escaping her lips as she sticks out her tongue and licks the remains off my cock, glistening in her drool. How the hell am I still hard after coming in her mouth?

"Yes, sir," she replies sucking her tongue away. Her body twitches and she drops her head like it just became too heavy. I hide my cock and drop down to her level, tilting her chin up and press my lips against hers. I can still taste myself a little, a lingering aftertaste that mixes with her zesty, musky scent that lingers long after I part my lips with hers. The smell of her skin, her sweat, her sudden submissiveness, I don't think I could ever get bored of it. The way her aroma zaps me into other submissive was able to make me long for them as much as I do Mia.

"Good girl, now remember not to misbehave, otherwise it'll be your pussy I'll be slapping next not your plump little ass." I watch her swallow before nodding. Fuck how is this little act making me hard and think about her mouth full of my cum again. I want it spilling out of her as her cheeks flush, eyes begging for more. I will have her bent to my will the next three days. I must.

"Let me get you out of these and then we have to talk." I begin by untying the rope around her wrists.

"Talk about what, sir?"

"Your punishment." I let the rope fall to the ground and massage her reddened wrists before letting them go.

"Why would we need to talk about the punishment...sir."

"Because I need to know how it made you feel, now hush, save the talking for when we're in bed having breakfast." I begin untying her legs. Not bothering to pick up the rope to clean it up, I pick her up and place her body onto the bed. Disappearing from the bedroom, I go to take a tray of the food that's thankfully still warm, prepare her peppermint tea and bring it back to the bed.

Sitting down, I pull her against me, between my legs, forcing her to be unashamed of her nakedness. She has a magnificent body, petite yet curvy at the same time. Truly a piece of art in my eyes. I can only hope that I could get her nakedness painted and hung up in my control room.

With her back resting against my chest, I can't help but stroke her hair behind her ear. She isn't just the feeling of a new plaything anymore. She's someone I am determined to get.

For a little while I watch as she eats the breakfast, I provided for her. Munching on the bread and eggs causing her stomach to rumble. It makes me laugh.

"What? You and your kinky ways make me hungry," she says with a mouthful. I lean round and take a bite out of her toast.

"Get used to it little tiger, there's a lot more to come."

"You're going to make me bed ridden mister."

"Mister?" I cock my head around to look at her. She giggles and turns her head to face me.

"Am I only limited to sir?"

I smirk. "Preferably, yes."

A sense of silence befalls the room as she drops her food back onto the plate. She places one of her palms onto the back of my hand wrapped around her tiny waist.

"Why don't you like it when a submissive says your name?" she blurts out.

"It's just something I prefer," I reply monotone.

"Have you ever tried it at least?"


"Then how can you know if you don't like it if you've never tried it before?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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