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Obi-Wan Kenobi

All things considered this went better than I expected. Qui-Gon and I spent a long time discussing it with Master Yoda already. I can only hope we made the right decision. I know training a padawan can be stressful at times, and between being Knighted and becoming a general, the twins will be under far too much stress already, especially so soon after their mother's death.

We should have acted sooner. We should have done something about it immediately, instead of waiting. It was the fourth morning we were sent to Ansion, and we didn't have time after that. The twins may not blame us for it, but I do. The one time we could have reacted faster even if it meant disobeying the Council, we waited too long. Now they lost one of the people closest to them.

Plus, if Padme really backs off like the Council asked her too, they'll need someone else to help support them. Even all the time at the Temple, they've never formed a solid friendship, at least not one that lasts, where they mutually help each other. Right now, they only have each other, Padme, and Jaufre. It's long past time for them to form a bond with another Jedi.

So, here we are. It's taken time, but I just had to find people who vaguely resemble the twins. They should be girls, we determined that already. Once a while back, Anakin had said "If I ever get a padawan, I think it's gonna be a girl. Aniya already has enough boys around already."

And I told him, "It's 'when'. You can't spend the rest of your life a Jedi and not get a padawan."

It might be better to find two padawans, but at least one. The twins would gladly share one, but two is better. Two who already share a close bond.

Which is how I ended up here, in front of the two almost identically dressed girls even though they're very different species.

"I'm Ahsoka," the Togruta says, "Ahsoka Tano. And this is –"

"I can introduce myself, thanks," the Twi'lek retorts with a smirk, blue eyes flickering back to me. "My name is Alema Syndulla."

"Sometimes, you make me wonder," Ahsoka shoots back.

"How old are you?" I ask, just to make sure. They need to be older, closer in age. If the padawans are too young, the twins will be hyper-focused on protecting them instead of focusing on the mission. That's also part of the reason I spotted out these two. They seem fairly responsible for their age.

"Thirteen, a month to fourteen," Ahsoka answers immediately.

"Thirteen," Alema nods. "I just turned thirteen. I suppose you're here for a padawan?"

"I am, for someone I know."

"Then take Ahsoka," Alema advises.

"What? Hey!" the Togruta protests.

"She's older," the Twi'lek continues, completely unfazed. "Besides, the Council was already considering giving me to someone." Interesting. Their friendship runs deep enough they're readily willing to sacrifice themselves if it means the other can go on to become a full Jedi. I seem to be heading in the right direction.

"Might if I ask who?" I inquire. She didn't seem certain. It's not common for the Council to decide to give an Initiate to someone. Usually, it's the master who picks out the padawan.

"Master Pong Krell," Ahsoka answers almost immediately, jumping up to answer for her best friend. "I heard the Council was starting to get worried about him losing his balance. Alema's really light, so..."

"They're hoping she'll be able to help rebalance him," I murmur quietly. Yes, I can see why they would do that; sometimes, I think that's why I was given to Qui-Gon. "I'll speak to the Council about which of you will probably be the best fit for who I have in mind," I tell them before turning to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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