Chapter 18 - Execution

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Qui-Gon Jinn

"There's a lot more to this than you're saying," I respond finally.

"If you join me, I'll explain everything," he answers after a moment of hesitation. So back to this offer again. As of now, no I have no intention of joining him. Maybe if this mess gets sorted out, I'll be able to think about this confrontation with a clearer head, but not right now. Besides, there's another problem. I can't shake the feeling that the "more" he won't tell me until I join him has everything to do with how dark he now feels in the Force. Of all people, I wouldn't have expected my former master to Fall, but the evidence is right here in front of me.

"You're joined up with the Sith, haven't you?" I accuse. He's not denying it, I realize. He seems to instead be considering how to diplomatically answer my question. "How could you do that? If not for Aniya, I could have been killed by the Sith. And you saw yourself what they were planning to do to her and Anakin."

"The Jedi aren't treating them a whole lot better," he retorts.

"That hardly justifies joining the Sith and bringing the galaxy to the edge of a civil war," I shoot back, "Or trying to kill off your entire lineage." If something happens to either Anakin, Aniya, or Obi-Wan because of this, I'll never forgive him.

"I know what I'm doing, Qui-Gon," Dooku replies, "Whether you understand it or not. Perhaps in time you will. I hope it won't be too late."

It's then that I suddenly sense more approaching presences. Glancing around, I swiftly dart backwards into the darkness. I need to get out of here and reach the arena to save the four of them. I didn't come here to get in a pointless battle with Geonosians who will probably try to arrest me, and maybe have me executed as well. And if a fight does end up breaking out, I have no desire to duel Dooku. Firstly, it's a fight I probably wouldn't win. He has many more years of practice, and there's few who could actually beat him in a duel. Besides, even through all the anger and betrayal I'm feeling right now, I won't deny that way inside, I do still care about him. I don't want to fight him unless it's absolutely necessary. Which it isn't. Not yet.

Moments later, a group of Geonosians fly around the corner, and begin speaking to Dooku. I'm half expecting him to tell them to come arrest me or something, but he doesn't. After a brief exchange which I don't quite catch, the group along with Dooku moves forwards out of sight down the hallway.

Strange. Dooku knows that I'm going to do something to interfere with the execution, but he's doing nothing to stop me. Either this is a trap, and he has a sinister backup plan, or he's hoping that they won't die. Though whether that's because he actually cares or because he wants to start a conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, I'm not sure.

Either way, I don't have time to consider it right now. As soon as the hall is silent, I head off again. I need to get into position before the execution begins.

Aniya Skywalker

Since the carts they are using to transport us to the arena only have room for two people, Anakin and Padme go in first. I can't hear their conversation, though I have the serious feeling they're talking about something. The sudden intense turmoil of emotion I feel from Anakin is clear proof of that. I'm not watching either, just because I get the feeling I might regret it.

This, this is the same sensation I got through our bond that day we arrived at Lake County, except it's even more intense. Did they... did they just reach a decision on what to do? If they did... I don't even need to ask what it is. If it's a path they walk... I will too, eventually. Because no matter how hard I try, I know my feelings will keep haunting me until I accept them. Jaufre... I'm glad he's not here. I don't want him to face this, even though I want to be with him more than anything right now.

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