Chapter 16 - Geonosis Factory

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"This is all we ask," Dooku acknowledges before his gaze turns to the Muun's present.

"The InterGalactic Banking Clan will support you wholeheartedly, Count Dooku," the Muun assures him, "But only in a nonexclusive arrangement."

I need to get out of here and inform the Council of all this while I still have time. It seems that Dooku has been working to secretly prepare the Separatists for war, for whatever reason. If such a conflict actually does occur, though, the Republic would still have the element of surprise in having the clone army.

I hastily pack away from the opening in the rocks, hurrying back towards the exit to the factory.

Anakin Skywalker

We've been sitting in mostly silence, but Jaufre and Padme finally managed to force us to eat something. We haven't moved from the garage floor. A sudden beeping draws my attention to the doorway, and Artoo zips inside. From how excited he's acting, it's probably something urgent. Our masters must be sending a message, though I don't know why. After all, shouldn't they be telling whatever it is directly to the Council?

The four of us stand up and follow the droid outside to the ship. Sure enough, right as the three of us get inside, a hologram of Obi-Wan appears. Where's Qui-Gon? Aniya and I opt for standing while Padme and Jaufre take a seat in front of the hologram. "Anakin, Aniya," Obi-Wan begins, "Qui-Gon already took the bounty hunter to Coruscant for questioning if you're wondering. I continued the investigation. My long-range transmitter was destroyed when several droids attacked my ship. Retransmit this message to Coruscant." Padme spins around and hastily carries out the request while we wait impatiently for the message to continue.

"I have located the droid foundries of Geonosis," he continues once the communication connection to the Council has been made. "The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here, and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala." Aniya, Jaufre, Padme, and I all exchange glances. I'm not at all surprise to hear the news. I'm only surprised we didn't wonder before. The only thing I want to know now is why.

"The Commerce Guild and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an –" he goes on. "Wait! Wait!" Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber, clearly seeing something we can't. A second later, blaster bolts start whizzing towards him, which he deflects. The last thing I see before the hologram turns off is Obi-Wan disappearing off the hologram, and the droids continuing to approach him.

Aniya and I exchange horrified glances as our fear for him escalates.

Another hologram appears, this one being Master Windu. "We will deal with Count Dooku," he assures us, "The most important thing for you two is to stay where you are." On Tatooine? Really? Well, at least they haven't realized we aren't on Naboo. "Protect the Senator at all costs. That is your first priority."

"Understood, Master," we chorus. The hologram flickers off before anyone has a chance to say another word.

Padme turns to the readouts on the control panel, scanning them over. "They'll never get there in time to save them," she points out, "They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look, Geonosis is less than a parsec away."

The only thing that makes me hesitate is that if we go there, I'll be putting Padme in danger. And Aniya and Jaufre. I have no idea what we'll be walking in to.

"Let's get going!" urges Aniya impatiently, desperation to save him clear on her face.

"We were given strict orders to stay here and protect Padme," I object.

"And did that stop us from coming to Tatooine?" she reminds.

"You were given strict orders to protect me, and I'm going to save him," interjects Padme. "So, if you plan to protect me, you will have to come along." That ends the argument. Looks like this mission will be going like so many others. At least the Council can't blame us for Padme's actions. I'm so glad that she took the initiative to do this.

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